chapter 2

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"This is ridiculous!" tweek said

"So what if one soul escaped they have tons more to torture back in hell! Now they're sending me here to find him! I haven't even gone through training yet what am I supposed to do when I find him?!"

The blond started pacing back and forth in the alley.

"Okay I'm sure it won't be that Hard lets just calm Down and figure it out when I find him....first I have to find him" he spoke to himself

"Let's see I think they told me that he was a pastor once I wonder if he still is, and if so all I have to do is find the church!..alright it's time to put on my disguise"

The blond spoke.

His furry animal like legs were slowly changing into that of a human while his wings and horns  seemed to magically disappear.

"That's better" he spoke taking a first step before falling down

"Ugh damn these legs how am I supposed to find him if I can't even use these legs!?"

He gets back up staggering a bit.

"I know they said that it'll take some time getting use to it but I don't really have time on my hands this human spell will wear off in a few days and if I don't find that soul in time those Demons will have my head on A fucking platter!"

The boy started walking each step feeling like pins and needles stabbing through his legs. This feeling wasn't anything he'd expect this was a new feeling to him And it was pure torture!

The young boy made his way down the sidewalk stopping and resting his hurting legs along the way while also looking for a church. After a good 45 minutes the young boy finally found the church. Feeling proud of himself for making it through that hell the young boy made his way to the open doors standing out and watching as craig was preaching to the people. Tweek looked around at all the people that seemed so mesmerized by his words

"Slaves...all of them" tweek whispered to himself

"Reaching for a happiness that not all of them will get..its pathetic"

Tweek glanced back at craig

"That's him alright...the damned preaching to the damned"

He heard people saying amen and clapping before getting up and heading twords the door. Tweek moved out of the way letting them leave.he watched as every one came out piling into their cars leaving.

'Where is he?' tweek thought to himself his eyes still searching for craig

"Bingo" he said seeing Craig walking out of the church

He smiled evily walking to the pastor

"Pastor craig!?"tweek heard a voice call out stopping him in his tracks

He watched as a woman came out of the church rushing over to craig smiling and talking

'who the heack is that?' tweek thought

He watched from a distance as the two were smiling and talking to each other. A few seconds later the woman ran off.

'okay now is my chance' the blond thought

He walked up to craig before the raven even had a chance to walk

"Excuse me?"tweek spoke
Craig turned around and saw him and gave him a smile

"Can I help you?" he asked

"Um.." something was wrong.tweek couldn't speak,it felt as if someone sewed his mouth shut. Looking at this man standing on front of him his face seemed so perfect.tweek felt butterflies in his stomach. He saw this man in stage but up close it was so different.

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