•Rockers, Photographers and Dancers Oh My•

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'"Well excuse me for trying to be a superhero that day and save you all!" Ryota shouted back to me in a sassy tone.

"And in that time you got kidnapped... again." I argued with my head face down on the table. Ryota's heroic face then turned to a more pouty one in an instant. I just sighed at him, wondering why he was bugging me this early in the morning.

There was a bit of awkward tension between us as we both fell silent. I was still hooked up to a machine, so it's not like I could've walked out of this conversation.

Finally Ryota cleared the tension.
"I wish I could've helped more....I'm so useless. This all happened because I liked stupid anime.." he said softly with his head down.

I lifted my head a bit to see droplets of tears fall from his face, and heard somewhat silent weeps. I sat up and sighed.

I didn't know what to say. Of course this was partly his fault, but he couldn't have changed that. He didn't know about Junko's obsessive ways.

"Mitari, you can't change what's already happened. The only thing you can do is try your best to reverse it...Think of it like an anime." I said softly, attempting to comfort him but sort of failing.

"Like an anime..?" He trailed off.

"Yeah...in an anime there's always a climax or breaking point that the main character either doesn't have control over or didn't know it would happen. It's up to that main character to fix the problem at hand before-"

I was cut off by a creaking door opening and footsteps leading from a room to the hall.

"I thought you'd never seen an anime before?" Izuru blankly stated.

"I haven't." I then put my head back down on the table while Ryota watched Izuru.

"Then why do you speak so highly of it?" Izuru argued.

"I'm not speaking highly of it, I'm simply just repeating what imposter told us in class." I grunted, not wanting to argue this early.

It was silent as I heard a chairs legs get pulled, then a creak informing me that someone had sat down. The room became silent again.

"H-Hey Izuru?" Ryota asked softly. I looked up again to see Kamakura just shifting his eyes towards Mitari.

"Do you think..." Ryota got lost in though. Both of us just stared at him blankly.

"Do you think..the world has hope?" Ryota finally managed to spit out. Izuru just exhaled loudly and leaned back in his seat.

"I believe that the world is a vulnerable place for many reasons. Humans are merely pawns in a game I have no interest in. If they could fall for Junko's antics, who knows what will happen with something like hope." He firmly stated.

Ryota just looked off to the side as I stared at Izuru. He seemed to catch on to my gaze.

"Why are you glaring at me?"

"I'm hoping you'll spontaneously combust." I said with no remorse.'

"H-Hello? Chi? A-Are you a-a-alright?"

My gaze averted from the ground towards a distressed Mikan. I exhaled sharply.

"Yeah I'm fine."

Mikan and I didn't even end up sleeping anywhere. Instead, we walked just about anywhere around town, seeing the distinguished town's ruins piled row by row.

Toxic Hope (Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls x reader) Where stories live. Discover now