"I hate this game"

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You woke up(it's 11:30 btw😊) and saw that you were earlier awake than Finn and you thought:"wow that never happens". You decided to take a shower and then wake him up. so you did.
When you were done showering you saw Finn still wasn't up so you decided to wake him up. "Finn. Wake up" you said trying not to sound mean. He reacted with a sigh. You said:"you need to wake up". He reacted with:"I don't want to". You thought for a second and then had an idea. You said:"if you not wake up I'm going to tickle you". "don't you dare" Finn said. You said:"you have 3 seconds...3..2..1..0". And you started to tickle his sides. Finn started to laugh uncontrollably and he fell out off bed. You stopped tickling him. He sat up and said:"you're a monster". "Thank you. Now get ready" you said while laughing. Finn laughed too. He then walked into the bathroom.
When he finally was done he said:"I'm done". "What took you so long?" You asked. "Oh I don't know" He said. "Lazy" you mumbled. He didn't react. Then you both walked to the restaurant to have breakfast. Millie immediately reacted:"what took you two so long?" "Was it you again y/n?" Romy said. You said:"no it was Finn this time". Finn rolled his eyes and sat down. You did too.
Later on real randomly Millie said:"today we are free and maybe we all can do something fun". In the end Millie,Finn,Noah,Romy,Gaten,Caleb,Sadie and you were going to do something. "Which room tho?" Sadie said. (First thing Sadie said in this story omg. I need to let her speak more). "We could go to our room" you said while pointing at you and Finn. Everyone agreed.
When you all arrived to your room Noah asked:"So what are we going to do?" It was silent for a second. Then Sadie said:"we can play truth or dare". All the girls were immediately agreeing only the boys didn't. "Come on it will be fun" Millie said. And finally they agreed too. "Who is going to start?" Romy asked. "I will start" Sadie said. So Sadie started:"Caleb truth or dare?" "Truth". "Do you like someone?" Sadie asked. Caleb was silent for a moment. Then said:"yes". (I ship him with someone oops). It went on like this for a while until Millie said:"y/n truth or dare?" You said:"dare". And then she said immediately:"kiss Finn". You were shook and didn't do anything. You felt yourself blushing. Then you said:"i-i never k-kissed someone before". (Besides your family😊) it was silent again. You looked around to see Finn blushing. Then Millie said:"sorry I should've known....you don't have to do it". You thought:"I need to kiss Finn anyway....you know what..fuck it". You immediately said:"I'm going to do it". Everyone looked questionably. "Why?" Gaten asked. You said:"because I need to kiss him no matter what". "Are you sure" Finn said looking shook. "Yes" you said confident. "Okay" Finn said. "Lets go then" you said sitting closer to Finn. You saw Romy and Noah fangirling. Then Finn took a deep breath. You leaned in and he did too. And then your lips touched. It was a short but sweet kiss. You felt yourself heating up and you saw Finn did too. You saw everyone smiling then Romy said:"I ship it". You laughed and went back to your spot. Then you joked:"I hate this game". Everyone laughed at that.
You all played on for a while and in the end you kissed Finn twice, Noah once and Romy once. You all decided to stop because otherwise it would get out off hand. "What are we now going to do?" Caleb asked. "We could play spin the bottle" Sadie said. Finn spoke:"another kissing game? Really?" Sadie asked:"Yeah why not?" "B-because.."He said not finishing his sentence. "Come on. Let's just play it " Sadie. It was quiet for a couple seconds. Then Finn said:"Lets all vote". So you all voted. The people that voted for yes were Sadie, Millie and Romy. The others voted no. "What are we then going to do" Romy said. It was silent again. Then Caleb said:"we can watch some horror films". Everyone agreed. "I can get some food" you said. Immediately Finn said:"I will go with you". "Okay" you said. So you and Finn went to the store that was next to the hotel to get some food. You got some chips, chocolate and some drinks.
When you two went back they were watching something. Then you saw what they were watching. "Why are you watching high school musical?" Finn said. Gaten spoke:"it's the best horror movie of all".
Later on in the movie they began singing and out of nowhere Gaten began to sing with them. Everyone laughed.
Everyone went to their own room after the movie was done. You and Finn weren't tired so you two decided to watch the movie IT. After that was done you two went also to bed. "Goodnight" you said. "Goodnight cutie" Finn said and after that you heard a face palm. Then you heard a small sorry. "It's okay" you said and then you both fell asleep.

919 words
Sorry for not updating so fast. I'm was really busy but here it is yay.

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