the kiss!

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You felt someone shaking you. "5 more minutes" you said in your morning voice. "I won't stop shaking you until you wake up" Finn said. He started shaking you again. "Okay. okay I am awake" you said now opening your eyes. Finn stopped shaking you and you sat up. Then Finn said:"did you know that your morning voice is really cute?" "If you say so" you said your voice still a bit scratchy. You stood up and went to take a shower. In the shower you had the most random questions like: is water wet? Are there aliens in the world? And is Finn ectually a frog? By the last one you started laughing.

You went out of the shower and put on a black sweater and black jeans
(I wear a lot of black..don't know why)

You brushed your hair and put some mascara on. Then you went out of the bathroom and saw Finn waiting for you. "What took you so long?" Finn asked. "Because I am a girl. Now let's go" you said. "Sure princess". "You are really gonna call me that?". "You were okay with it so it's going to stay" Finn said while opening the door. You smiled at him and walked trough the door. He closed the door behind him and you two walked to the restaurant. You were greeted by everyone at the table and when you sat down Sadie said:"ready for the last scenes?" "I'm nervous" Millie said. "Why?" Gaten asked. "Because of the kiss that is going to happen" Millie said smiling. You slapped your face. "If you keep doing that then you'll going to hurt yourself" Finn said. "It doesn't hurt" you said. "If you keep doing that it will". "Sure" You said and started eating.

After breakfast it was time to get to the studios for the last couple scenes. "Caleb time to drive" Gaten said. "Your personal driver is here to drive you everywhere" Caleb said while laughing. You chuckled. Then you all walked outside to the car. You sat next to Gaten and Finn. The intire car ride everyone sang along with the songs that came on the radio.
When you stepped out of the car Finn whispered in your ear "you ready for the kiss?" You started blushing but tried to not show it and you followed the others. You heard Finn chuckle and then he walked next to you. You tried to act like nothing happened. You thought it worked because nobady reacted.

When you came inside the studios you saw Matt and Ross waiting for you all. "There they are" Ross said. "Ready for the kiss?" Matt said. "Can everyone just stop asking about it?" You said a bit annoyed. "Sorry I didn't know that everyone asked about it" Matt said. "It's okay" you said. "Okay let's get started with some scenes" Ross said. You started with a scene that was after that Eleven gave up her life to safe the town. Seven (you) and Mike already met eachother and got really close when Eleven was gone. Seven was also great friends with Will and Dustin but with Caleb and Max was it more complicated. This scene was a scene where Mike was still a bit sad about Eleven and seven tries to help him get over it.

When the scene was done there were some scenes that you already did or that you weren't in. Then Matt said:"now it's time". "Time for what?" You said. "Don't be stupid y/n" Romy said. You thought for a second but then you remembered..."the kiss" you said getting nervous. "Can we first get food?" Noah said. "Sure" Matt said. "Thank you" you said to Noah. "No problem" He said. Then Millie came up to you and said:"when me and Finn needed to kiss we ate together 2 packs of tic-tacs. Maybe you can do that too?" "I don't know..". "I'll help you". "Okay then". "Lets go to the lounge" Millie said. You two walked to the lounge seeing Finn eating tic-tacs. "Finn" Millie half screamed. "What?" Finn said with his mouth full while looking at you and Millie. "You could at least share the tic-tacs with y/n" Millie said. "You want some y/n?" Finn said. "Yeah that would be great" you said. Finn threw a pack to you and you dropped it. "Good job" Finn said. "I can catch". "I see" He said. "Well have fun you two" Millie said and with that she left. You picked up the pack of tic-tacs. It was a pack of colourfull tic-tacs. You opened it and put some in your mouth. "Which one is your favorite?" Finn asked. "I like the red ones". "Same" He said while sitting on the couch. You sat next to him while putting more tic-tacs in your mouth. "Calm down with those" Finn said. "I like them" you said and at that point Caleb walked in and said:" we are going to begin shooting" and then he walked away. "You ready?" Finn asked. "I think so. And you?" "Yeah I'm ready". You and Finn stood up to walk to set. "There are the stars" Matt said. "Are you two ready?" Ross asked. "Yeah" you and Finn said at the same time. "Time for filming then" Ross said. "You two can go change" Matt said. You walked to one of the changing rooms and put on a school uniform. You walked out of the room and see Finn waiting for you in his school uniform. "Lets go" you said and you and Finn walked back to set. When you came there Matt said:"okay y/n. I know this is going to be your first kiss so..". "Well ectually it isn't" you said. " told...I'm confused. What happened?". "We...the cast..played truth or dare and I chose dare and then i needed to kiss...Finn" you said. "Oh well..ehm...good luck" Matt said and walked off. You sighed and walked to the place where you needed to stand and Finn did too.

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