Shaking Heart |C-CLOWN Ryan AU| (Part II: One-Shot)

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“Ryan, are you going anywhere tonight?”

                I can hear her sweet voice over the phone, humming a song calling for me to see her. My heart skips a beat. “I think I have something to do. I have to prepare myself for my piano performance later.” There is an awkward silent, before I hear her sigh. “Well, if you say so. I guess I’ll just curl up in my bed for the rest of the day then.”

                A pang of regret rushes to my heart, slapping my mind hard. “If you don’t mind, you can always come and see me practise for the event.” She laughs playfully. “Alright, that sounds quite appealing. Is it at the same place, the studio that we used to go when we were still in school?” I silently nod my head. “Hello, Ryan? Are you listening?” I slap my forehead. How can I forget that we are on the phone? I must be dreaming that she is right here with me, having a face to face conversation.

                “Yes, it is the same place as before.” I say awkwardly. “I am on my way there. Do you want me to come and fetch you at home?” I add. “Yes, please.” She must be smiling broadly over the line. “If that is the case, we will go out and eat before we go to the studio. The practice will only start on nine p.m.” I look at the clock hung at the wall. We still have two more hours. “Great, I’ll be waiting for you.” She sings happily before the line goes dead.

                “You look stunning, Minji.” Dressed in a scarlet blouse, she looks exceptionally gorgeous today. Her shiny black hair is tied and kept in a neat bun. The dark brown skirt she wears keeps her pose sleek and stylish, which I’m sure would make any guy jealous of me for having her as my girl. Her eyes sparkle dazzlingly like stars shining gleefully on the dark sky. I am in a state of trance, bewitched by her beauty.

                “Let’s go, Ryan.” She puts her hand in mine and chuckles when I finally am able to get my feet back on the ground. We walk into the restaurant, with pairs of eyes watching us from every corner. Hand in hand with her, I feel as if I’m the luckiest guy in the world. She laughs while we eat as I make jokes occasionally. Her laughter sounds like a melodious tune to my ears which is soothing. My heart beats faster every time she does.

                At the studio, she watches me from the chair as my fingers run smoothly on the piano. I play the song “Hopeless Love” by Elias Rahbani for her. The dazing smile never leaves her lips, throughout the whole session. Finally, after for what that is like an eternity, the practice is over.

                On our way back from the studio, we chat happily about our day. The car pulls over in front of her house not long after. She slowly holds my hand tight when I bid her “Good night, my dear.” Her mouth then mutters the phrase that I’ve been yearning to hear all this while. “I love you, Ryan.”



“Where are you, sweetheart?” I ask her over the phone.

“I am on my way there. Would you wait for a moment?” She replies, with her voice sounding bored.

One-Shot Collection *KPOP*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin