Love 101 (EXO Lay)

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*SMUT Alert. Swear words included.*

"Can you please help me?"

At the cafeteria, a man in his twenties is kneeling on the floor, facing a girl wearing a bookish spectacles and a worn out smile. He stares at her pleadingly, his face similar like a cat asking for its late dinner.

Her eyes stop reading the words written on the page as the love novel lays still on the coffee table. "Why? Just what is the reason you're doing this to me?" She asks, her eyebrow slanting.

Lay lets out a huge sigh. "There's this girl whom I really am interested in, but I don't know how to start talking to her. You're my best friend, surely you can help me out, can't you?" He bites his lips, looking anxious.

Rolling her eyes in annoyance, she huffs. "Alright, then. Just this one time around.

"Yay! I knew I could count on you!" He claims, his lips kissing her hands.

The moment he did this, something repulsive moves through her body. It was electrifying.

She pushes the swaying brown strand of hair behind her ears nervously. "Alright, so what's your plan?"

"Okay." He takes out his phone out of his jeans' pocket. His slender finger slides across the screen, before he shows it to her.

"Here. Her number." He says. "How can I text her telling to ask her out?" He lets out a sigh. "I am quite shy, so I don't know how to start the conversation." He puts on a hand on his neck, looking embarrassed.

"Shy?" She remarks. "That's new."

He shoots her a look. "That's because you're different than the other girls. I don't know. I just feel so comfortable talking to you."

She can't describe her feelings upon listening this.

Lay, oh Lay. Why can't you understand how I feel?

Still, her face becomes as red as a ripe tomato.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asks, concerned. "You are awfully silent today."

She bites the end of her lip. "I'm okay." Trying not to be distracted by his comment, she focuses on the screen while reading the number.

Kim Yoon Ah. That's the girl's name.

Wait. This can't be her, right?

She looks up to him, and asks. "Is this Yoon Ah, the architecture student from the next class?"

"Yes." He replies slowly. "Do you know her?"

"We used to be close." She bites back a negative remark. "After sometime, we seemed to be lost in contact."

The thing is, she didn't tell him that Yoon Ah once sabotaged her work, leaving her having to repeat the semester once again.

"I see." His face lits up. "So I guess it won't be a bad idea to have you talking to her."

"What?!" Her voice takes a higher pitch.

"Yes, cause you know her. And you used to be close with her. Surely there's nothing wrong with that, isn't it?" He suggests.

Being a person who doesn't like talking about the bad deed of others, she nods hesitantly. "Alright, I'll try. Would you mind sending her number to mine?"

"With pleasure." He politely takes back his phone, and opens the WhatsApp messenger before sharing the contact information. "There, I just did."

She takes out her phone from her bag. A WhatsApp notification from him pops up. "Yeah, I got it."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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