Heavily medicated Youth

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What does it take to produce happiness To create children with artificial smiles

The heavily medicated youth

Prozac a miracle for teens because all your silly problems can be solved in a few miligrams
Lexapro and effexor are sure to make you giggle, creating a mask that no one can see through and you can't see out

The heavily medicated youth

Trazodone the miracle worker, the modern day super hero
Take a few seroquel to shrink all the thoughts
Having trouble becoming the unattainable perfect student, there is ritalin for that
They say your feelings aren't normal, that you've got it all wrong but don't worry because there is lithium and seroquel and paxil and zoloft and celexa and fluoxetine and cymbalta
They will fix us supposedly, the doctors with the magic script pad the counselors with the recommendations the therapist who can't help us without help from chemicals
these adults know best, after all they cause the stress.
homework, grades,reputation, college, the pressure to be pretty, skinny, kind, giving, responsible, youthful-yet-mature, just to be perfect.
Wow this seems to have become a rambling rant but I'll be okay because there is always valium. Because afterall i fall into the generation of the heavily medicated youth

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