Chapter 1 - Diagnostic

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Disclaimer ~ Soul Eater and it's original characters do not belong to me. The series and it's characters/scenes were the creation of Atsushi Ōkubo. This is simply a fanfiction.


~ present time ~

"I don't even know why the hell we partnered up the first place!"

Spirit yelled, and walked out of my office slamming the door. 'Damn fool...'

I sighed, and took out a cigarette, placing it in my mouth and leaned back on my chair. 'He'll come around.' He always does. It wasn't my fault that Lord Death assigned us as partners again. It's not like we don't make a good team, but I would much rather work alone then with the annoying red head.

I never understood Spirit, the way he let his emotions get the best of him, it was something I found utterly useless and a waste of time. He's an interesting test subject, however no matter how many times I opened the guy up, I come out empty handed. Maybe that's why he's mad? 'Damn fool thinks I'm going to dissect him.' I say to myself with a chuckle.

I light the cigarette and exhale a cloud of smoke in shape of a skull. Maybe he's right to be afraid of me. I'm not the sanest person out there. I sighed and adjusted my screw twice, letting the 'click' echo in the room. "Why the hell did you partner up with me in the first place anyway Albarn?" I asked out loud.


~ past. age 15. ~

It was only my first week at the DWMA and I was already "in trouble". I was just minding my own damn business, can't anyone ever leave me alone? "Lord Death will see you now." A lady mumbled harshly, she won't even look me... I narrowed my eyes and nodded, walking down a long hall of huge like guillotines until I finally reach the end to find Lord Death facing a mirror.

"Well helloooo!" He said in a high pitched voice. 'This is the great shinigami?' I asked myself mentally, raising an eyebrow. "nice ta finally meet you Franken!" He clapped his hands together and came over to me. Raising a his huge gloved up hand and hit my head. "Reeeaper CHOPP!" was all I heard before I was on the ground.

"Argh!! What the hell??" I asked sitting up up and rubbing my head. 'Did he just...chop me!?? How much weirder can he be!?' I wondered standing up but before I even got on my feet the old reaper already had me by the back of my shirt, I was about 5 feet off the ground. "let me go!!!" I yelled trying to kick him, but it was futile. I sighed and quit squirming and crossed my arms.

"Do you know why you're here Franken?" The reaper asked in a serious tone. I look away and shake my head. "Sources have told me that you've been killing animals near the academy. Cutting them open, is that true boy?"

I look at the reaper, the eyes on his mask are angry. "It was outside of the academy boundaries, and I didn't kill them." I mumbled "I just dissected them..." Lord death finally put me down and gave me a skeptical look "oh? and why would that be?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Just because I can" I hissed, why did it matter?? The reaper looked at me and titled his head. "Hmm...interesting...." He mused. I rolled my eyes and waited for him to finish, I had better things to do.

"I have to keep my eyes on you Franken..." He warned seriously.

Oh how I hated my first name. "Stein, don't call me Franken." I mumbled not looking at him. "And why ? I haven't done anything against the DWMA rules." I countered.

Lord death turned to face his mirror, "Because I believe you have a high level of madness within your soul." He said in sad tone, 'why would he care?' I asked myself sourly "So?" I asked him.

He turned to face me, and gave me a serious look. "If you're not careful Stein, you could become a madman, the madness will consume you, and you will hurt those around you, not just the animals, it'll get worse if we don't treat this-" I narrowed my eyes, 'I'm not a mad I..?' I wondered and walked out of the room, not wanting to hear anymore of this.

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