"Have you told Ethan yet?" Brie asks. "No. And I kinda don't want to" "why not?" "Because. You know how he is, he's gonna overreact"

"No he won't" "you've know him longer than I have, how does he take not so good news?" She thinks a bit then looks at me "yeah not so well. But I still think you should tell him"

"Hey guys" Olivia says and we walk closer to her

"It says that people who are linked can view the same dreams and some times feel the same emotions"

"So me and Grayson are linked?" "Not physically. If he gets hurt, you won't feel anything. It's more of spiritual connected link"

"Ok. So you're saying that me and Grayson are linked...by what the universe?" "Well it sounds crazy when you put it like that but..."

I start to pace in a circle "What is happening?" "We can test it out. I just need you, Grayson and a few sleeping pills"

Grayson's POV

We start talking about our different classes and what brought us to the school. The more I talked to her the more normal she became

She was cute, in a kinda creepy sort of way

I feel my phone buzz and see Brie's number

"Can I take this? It'll only be a second" "yeah go ahead" I walk to the bathroom "what's up?"

"We need you" "wha-" "no time. Olivia's house. Now" I hear the phone hang up and I walk back to the table

"Hey listen I'm sorry but something came up and I need to go" I was expecting her to freak out but she didn't "it's fine i have to get going anyway too. I'll talk to you later"

Isabella's POV

Grayson arrives at Olivia's house and she sets up the floor

"Sorry about the inconvenience. We need to figure this thing out" Olivia apologizes. "It's fine. Wasn't that busy"

"What were you doing?" Brie asks she set on the edge of Olivia's bed

Grayson was hesitant to talk but said "the library ran into someone I was avoiding"

"Brooke?" I turn to him. "Don't talk about it."

Grayson and I lie on the floor and try our best to go to sleep

"You guys still awake?" I hear Brie try to whisper. "Yes. And you're not helping" I whisper back

"You could atleast offer us warm milk" Grayson said. "All out. But I can look for a spell to help you sleep"

Olivia shuffled through pages and starts a spell

I slowly feel my eyes getting heavy


I walk to the fridge to get some food waiting for him to get home

I got out most of the ingredients when I hear a car open and close then the door open

He walks in the kitchen with a smile

"How are my two beautiful lady's today?"

"Well I'm fine but this one wouldn't stop kicking this morning" he laughs and notices all the food on the counter "here let me help"

"No Gray I'm fine" "listen just sit down and I will make you the most delicious lunch you'll ever eat"

I knew it would be a useless battle so I just sat down

"How was work?" "The usual. Busy. Overwhelming. Bloody"

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