Beetle In A Jar: Year 4

Start from the beginning


Dear Amisty,

I've heard of Cedric Diggory. Be careful, Amisty, the world has gotten much more dangerous than it has been. I don't want you going back to the streets this year. Mrs. Weasley already offered to take you to the Burrow immediately this year, instead of you going to stay with them for the last few months. I want you to go with her. And I know that's just going to make you want to stay with Harry more, but there was a reason we hid you away with Haven during the first war. You have a recklessness streak, and right now that's not going to be helpful.

I love you, Dad ❤

"So..." Harry looked up from the letter, "You're not going with back with me... are you?"

"I want to, I really do," Amisty insisted, not quite meeting his gaze as she crossed her arms. "But -- "

"Yeah, yeah, I know. It's going to be lonely without you, though."

She shrugged, a trace of a smile on her face, "Hey, it won't be that bad. I'll be writing you all summer."

"Well..." He sighed, shifting their trunks so they didn't topple over before they got on the train, "I guess I'll just have to complain about how lonely I am the whole time."

"'Arry!" A voice called.

They turned around, catching sight of Fleur hurrying toward them, her shiny hair bouncing behind her.

"We will see each uzzer again, I 'ope. I am 'oping to get a job 'ere, to improve my Eenglish," She beamed, shaking hands with him.

"It's very good already," Ron smiled, his voice strained and slightly strangled.

Amisty snickered behind her hand at the flush of red on his cheeks as Fleur smiled, stopping at Hermione's scowl.

"Good-bye, 'Arry! It 'az been a pleasure meeting you!"

And she ran back to the Beauxbatons cabin across the grounds, where Madame Maxime was waiting with Hagrid.

Harry was smiling slightly, not necessarily a happy one, but a hopeful smile was better than none.

"Wonder how the Durmstrang students are getting back. D'you reckon they can steer that ship without Karkaroff?" Ron wondered aloud.

"Karkaroff did not steer. He stayed in his cabin and let us do the vork," Another voice replied. It was Krum, and he turned to Hermione, "Could I have a vord?"

"Oh..." Hermione smiled faintly, her own cheeks going pink, "yes... all right."

It was Ron's turn to scowl as she followed Krum through the crowd, he called out in a poorly concealed act of annoyance, "You'd better hurry up! The carriages'll be here in a minute!"

Amisty snorted, plastering on an innocent what-did-I-do expression when Ron glared at her.

When the two of them returned, Hermione didn't give a single thing away.

"I liked Diggory," Krum told Harry suddenly, as if it wasn't often that he admitted such things. "He vos alvays polite to me. Alvays. Even though I vos from Durmstrang -- " He scowled, "with Karkaroff."

"Have you got a new headmaster yet?" Harry asked curiously.

Krum shrugged and shook Harry's hand, then Ron and Amisty's before he turned back to the lake.

"Can I have your autograph?" Ron burst out, so loudly and so abruptly Amisty almost fell over.

Hermione was smiling almost triumphantly as Krum signed a spare scrap of fragment for the redhead.

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