Haunting past

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Here is the link to the song that Duke sings if you want to listen to it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-D8KxoKFjIk  

Luna's p.o.v.

I had finished eating and was still confused why Duke had food here if he was a vampire but decided to just ignore it and go to bed since it was getting late and unlike Duke I was still human. After getting changed into a dark blue gown I grabbed my backpack that I brought with me the day I came here and dug through it trying to find my stuffed dragon my parents bought me when I was little before they died in a car crash.

"Come on I know it's in here somewhere...what's this" I asked no one and pulled out a sheet of paper that was folded. I opened it and began reading it silently to myself regretting the decision instantly when I learned it was from one of the boys from town.

Hey Freak,

Why don't you just leave already, or better yet die? Nobody here likes you and you're the reason things go wrong in town. You're a curse that needs to go away. I mean your parents loved you and look what happened to them. They're dead. Two inoccent people killed all because of you. Why don't you do us all a favor for once in your useless life and kill yourself already since you can't seem to do anything else right.

I dropped the paper and started crying as I held my head in my hands thinking they were right. I've never done anything to benefit others so why stay. I didn't hear my door open and footsteps behind me as I continued to cry.

Duke's p.o.v.

I was walking down the corridor to get to my room so I had to pass Luna's room but stopped when I heard what sounded like sobbing coming from inside her room. I gently knocked on her door but there was no answer so I opened the door to see Luna on the floor crying with her head in her hands. I was confused and made my way towards her until I noticed a sheet of paper on the floor beside her. I picked it up and read it and my confusion quickly turned to anger.

How dare someone say such horrible things to such a sweet innocent person. Crumbling the note into a ball and throwing it to the wall I turned my attention to Luna and my expression softened seeing her crying and I felt the need to comfort her but I didn't know what to say.  

I sat behind her and gently picked her up, holding her close while she cried.

"All the evil in the world"
"Pushing down on you"
"And all the venom in their words"
"What could you do?"

I sang since it was the only way I could think to comfort her, not being used to having a human around to care for. Luna looked up at me silent as she listened and I could see the tears that stained her cheeks in the moonlight. 

"Duke-" She started but I pressed a finger to her lips cutting her off.

"What kind of ignorance"
"Causes them to be so?"
"So sick and vile and evil"
"You did nothing to them"
"It's just not fair"
"You don't deserve it"

I continued and she looked back down and shuddered a sigh. I shifted to she sat on my lap sideways with one of my arms behind her back while the other was around her waist. I gently lifted her head to look at me and almost got lost in her blue eyes.

"It's not your fault"
"You're innocent"
"It's the world that's wrong"
"You're innocent"

"No I'm not Duke. They're right it's all my fault" She whispered tuning her head as she closed her eyes as more tears fell and tried to get away. I frowned and held her close not letting her go and turned her head back to me.

"When they scream"
"And when they yell"
"And tear you down"
"They make your life a living hell"
"When they come 'round"

I gently wiped her tears away and smiled a bit as she leaned into my hand calming down. She seemed to be exhausted but stayed awake.

"Ther's nothing you can say"
"That doesn't contradict them,"
"Cause all they want's a victim"
"On which to vent their rage"
"It's just not fair"
"You don't deserve it"

I watched as she rested her head against my chest closing her eyes for a momen before looking out the window at the moon silent. She hiccuped and I chuckled as she blushed, burying her face in my chest making me smile finding it cute.

"It's not your fault"
"You're innocent"
"It's the world that's wrong"
"You're innocent"
"Just hold on,"
"You're innocent"

I lifted her head to look at me an she stared into my eyes silent, waiting for me to continue. I smiled, glad she didn't argue with me again and continued.

"It's not your fault"
"You're innocent"
"It's the world that's wrong"
"You're innocent"
"Just hold on"
"You're innocent"

I finshed and smiled seeing she  had fallen asleep in my arms with her head against my chest . I chuckled quetly and stood holdin her in my arms and walked to my bedroom. Once there I gently layed her on the bed and pulled the covers over her before softly kissing her head. 

"Don't worry Luna, I promise your life will get better here with me." I whispered so I wouldn't wake her and I left the room quietly shutting the door behind me.

"I'll admit it, I've fallen in love with a human"

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