Chapter 24

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 "Sh!' Buckley hushed as he his way up the stairs with a big, heavy plastic pitcher of water. Pauline tip-toed up behind him, clearly enjoying herself. She, Victorine concluded, wanted a bit of joy after all that happened yesterday. Victorine watched from the doorway as she glanced at the almost-rising sun; It was about a half an hour before the residents awoke. And the mischievous jokesters were about to give their cousin a little surprise.

Victorine followed behind them as Pauline slowly opened the door so it didn't creak. They tip-toed in, Buckley holding up the heavy pitcher with both hands. Every step was carefully planned so that they wouldn't make a sound. Buckley was constantly trying to choke back a giggle the closer they got to the sleeping (drooling), Horace. He was slumped over the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, the blanket covering his shirtless body.

"What the hell are you doing?" a voice whispered, harshly. Everyone jolted a little and turned around. Yolanda was standing in the doorway, tired and ticked. She spotted the pitcher, then spotted Horace, and put two and two together.

"Oh..." she whispered. She limped over and grabbed the pitcher. "Lemme show you a better way."

She grabbed the pitcher and stood right over Horace. But Yolanda didn't dump it over his head. Keeping a blank face, she swung her arm back and chucked the heavy pitcher right at his head. It hit him right in the face and splattered water all over his head. The kids (except the victim) burst into laughter. Yolanda silently and blankly walked out of the room, leaving the crime scene. Horace slowly rose and rubbed his face, muttering every curse word imaginable.

Timothy woke up a little bit and glanced over the side of the top bunk.

"What?" he snapped, half-awake.

"We just did something mean Horace!" Buckley exclaimed with a big smile.

"Does it have to do with me?"


"Then I don't care!" With a thud, he covered his head with a pillow and went back to sleep.

"What's going on in here!" a voice demanded. They turned to see a frustrated and exhausted Ms.Kion standing at the front of the room.

"These little craps smacked me in the face with...this thing!" Horace whined, picking up the pitcher. Sensing danger in the form of a lecture, Victorine slipped right behind Ms.Kion as she stomped closer to the bed. From there, she made her hasty escape. She speed-walked down the hallway as the scolding began. Of course, it was nothing she would have to face.

She made her way down the hallway until she bedroom door of Ms.Kion. She stopped for a moment. She recalled how she never did make it past that big wardrobe. She couldn't even make out what was behind her. Victorine glanced back at the boy's room. It sounded like they were at, "You could have given him a concussion." Perfect. She had ample time until Ms.Kion would be finished.

She opened the door and realized that it was barely a sliver that wasn't blocked by the heavy wardrobe. Victorine paused to contemplate but knew that she couldn't waste too much time on it. Drawing back her stomach as far as she could, she walked through sideways. The thin wall of the doorway dug right into her stomach and her back was hard pressed against the wardrobe. She got stuck for a terrifying moment, as friction grew in the space. Her belly felt like it was getting scraped up from the wall. But she popped right through to the other side.

Victorine found herself in quite a contemporary bedroom. There was a black bed with cylinder silver pillows. The siding and headboard of the bed were short and smooth, like polished metal pipes. The room had a wide flat-screen T.V. and empty metallic gray cabinets just for show. The carpet below was gray and black, with not a speck of fluff out of place. Victorine had to remind herself several times that she didn't just walk into Batman's bedroom.

She noticed a closet in the far corner of the room and decided to wonder right in there. She opened the closet door and didn't lay eyes on anything too interesting. It looked like an average walk-in closet (but much bigger), with countless sweater vests and long, plain dresses and aprons. She walked in, a bit bored with what she saw. She noted a window (which should never be in a closet), and how the sun wasn't far up enough in the sky to fill the room with light. She then noted a shadowy corner of the closet. And from the darkness...a pair of bright eyes opened and stared back at her.

Victorine jumped back, heaving. The person or thing crawled out of the shadows, revealing a tan face with eyes that were way too familiar. She was young, even younger than Victorine. The girl was petite and very thin, donning an old black leotard and leggings. Her black hair was tied back in a messy bun. Her legs were skinny, and her waist couldn't be any more seventeen inches.

Victorine was dead in her tracks. She felt like she couldn't even breathe. Something told her that she knew this person. The eyes she'd seen in the darkest of places. But she couldn't even think when the person charged right towards her. Her panicky eyes looked Victorene right in the face.

"Someone's here!" the little girl yelled, grabbing hold of Victorine's arm and yanking her forward. Her voice was low-pitched for her age as if she barely ever used her voice. "Can you get me out of here? I've been here for months! Tell someone! My name's Linny, okay? And Ms.Kion..." Suddenly, Linny realized. Her eyes glittered, and she looked at Victorine like she was meeting up with an old friend.

"Wait, I know!" Linny exclaimed, tightening her grip. You're Victoria or something. You're kind of slinky too, right? I've watched all you. From the shadows and the vents, y'know. You dance very well. But, getting back to it, JUST GET ME OUT OF HERE!"

Victorine fiercely yanked her arm away and scratched Linny's shoulder from instinct. Victorine sprinted right out of the closet as if death was at her heel. She slammed the door right behind her and backed away. She felt a firm hand on her shoulder, and her head whipped around. Ms.Kion was standing right behind her, staring down at her with cold yet concerned eyes.

"We don't go into this room," she said sternly and quietly, though without harshness. She led Victorine out of the bedroom, the little girl's muscles still tense and her mind still scattered. Once outside of the room, Ms.Kion walked off to deal with something else as Victorine stood there, all alone, trying to make sense of it all. 

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