Chapter Nine~What A Not-So-Pleasant Surprise!

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My eyes flew open, just in time to catch a quick flash of light. Disorientated by my tiredness, I sat up and looked out of my bedroom window. But all I could see was a thick sheet of rain concealing the world behind it. Everything was blurred and fuzzy through the rain, but I could just make out swollen purple-grey rain clouds hanging in the sky.

"Shit." Was all I could mumble before I glanced around my room in search of a clock. Once my eyes had adjusted to the darkness, I found a clock. Four in the morning? Damn thunder. I curled back up under my sheets in the fetal position, trying to ignore the hammering of the rain against my window, and the occasional flash of light, but trying to ignore it only made it worse.

Eventually, I got so fed up with the rain I threw my sheets off and stormed downstairs, realizing it was impossible to go back to sleep. Only when I got downstairs did I realize that there was other people in the house who were still asleep. Oh well, I'm sure they didn't hear me.

Just then there was a buzzing sound. I followed the noise into the kitchen, and found my phone going off.

One missed call - Frank Iero.

I checked the time of the call, which appeared to have only been a few minutes ago. He must have been woken by the thunder too. I pressed the 'call back' button and pressed the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" He sounded scared, his voice slightly muffled.

"Frank? What's wrong? Why are you calling me at four in the morning?" I said quietly, being careful not to wake my aunt, uncle and cousin. There was a crack of thunder, and a few seconds later down the phone I heard a whimper.

"I probably sound like a big pansy, but I'm scared of thunder." His voice wavered, but only a little bit. If he was with me then, I probably would have hugged him.

"Aw, don't worry Frank. Just keep talking to me and you'll be fine." I walked through into the lounge and sat on the couch, "It should stop soon." And sure enough, it did. The rain died down, and there was no more thunder.

"See! What did I tell you? Are you okay now?"

"Uhh, yeah I'll be fine. See you tommorow." His voice was calmer that time. There was a creaking sound, and then his voice became unmuffled. Had he locked himself in a cupboard or something? "Oh, and Crissy?"

"Yeah?" I smiled, like I did everytime he said my name. For some reason, his New Jersey accent made everything he said sound awesome. He probably thought the same thing of my English accent.

"Sorry for ringing you at four in the morning." There was a quiet chuckle from down the phone. My smile spread into a grin.

"Don't worry, I was awake anyway. See you tommorow then."

"Yeah, see you." There was a click, and then Frank hung up. Still grinning like an idiot, I snapped my phone shut and placed it down beside me. Sighing, I curled up on the sofa, picked up the TV remote, and surfed through the channels to entertain myself.

                                                                     * * *

Even once I was ready for school, I was still too early. I still had about an hour until I had to go into school. Impatience getting the better of me, I walked out the door and over to Frank's house. I hesitated, before knocking three times on the door.

"Hang on a second!" Came a muffled voice, and a few moments later the door was swung open, revealing a rather annoyed-looking Mrs Iero. As soon as she saw me her face lightened up, though. "Oh, hello Crissy! Frank's not quite ready yet, but by all means come in."

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