The Plan

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A/N This was my first fanfic, I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to give me tips on how to make better use of wattpad. I am currently translating it into Spanish.

Disclaimer: All Fairy Tail characters belong to Hiro Mashima, excepting Fuyu.

Chapter 1 : The Plan

"I can't believe that you started a brawl in the middle of our mission. Not to mention the destruction that you caused the town caused us to once again lose our reward and will give Fairy Tail a bad name. I'd try to knock some sense into you but that never works for very long." an angry Erza screamed at the two male mages that were part of her team.

The fire mage, Natsu Dragneel, tried to reason with his enraged team mate " The Ice Princess started it. Everything would have been fine if -".

"Oh sure blame it on me, if you weren't so clumsy and stupid the City Hall would still be in one piece and -", interrupted the team's ice mage, Gray Fullbuster.

Natsu sputters , "Oh you want a piece of me, bring it Ice Block!"

Erza looked at both of them open mouthed seeing as the two idiot rivals were getting ready to engage in yet another pointless brawl. "ENOUGH! I can't stand to look at either one of you right now, get out of my sight!" she screeched at the top of her lungs. She stormed off in the direction of their inn.

Natsu and Gray stopped their bickering and looked at each other worriedly. Erza did not normally respond to their bickering this way. Truth be told they counted on her to stop them before things got out of control. A good knock on the head usually let them know that they had gone too far and they were more than happy to back off and do their best friend routine which made them sound a bit like Natsu's blue Exceed, Happy.

They looked around them and shuddered at the mess that they had made of the city. Fires were running rampant everywhere , other parts were flooded due to Gray's ice melting from the heat of Natsu's fires. The explosions from their attacks had destroyed multiple buildings and they could not honestly pinpoint how much of the damage was caused by their mission and how much was caused by their fight. They knew they were going to get an earful once this got back to their Guild Master Makarov. There was probably a punishment game in their future as well. Their master was notorious for them. Despite the upcoming consequences they truly did feel bad about making their oldest friend that angry with them so they started to do the only thing they could at the moment and began to slowly deal with the destruction they had caused.

Erza walked to the inn where her team was staying. Her other teammate Lucy, a celestial mage, had not taken an active part in the battle since she had been injured earlier doing reconnaisance for the mission. Happy, Natsu's Exceed offered to stay with her so that Lucy would not be lonely. Erza had promised to come back after the battle was done to tell them how it had gone but she was still too upset to be good company.

'For Mavis' sake, why can't those two just get along? After everything we have all been through together you would think that they could just be friends or at least tolerant of each other.' Erza thought to herself. ' Regardless, I am done being their babysitter if they can't figure out a way to work together then I will have to seriously consider leaving the team.'

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