Chapter 18 - The War Continues

Start from the beginning

Tightening my hold on Itachi's hand, I opened my eyes to gaze at the emptiness in front of me. I was let go of by our communicator. We were enveloped by tense silence for scream moments when I looked up, I found everyone watching us in surprise and uncertainty, insure of what to do about the sudden development. I relaxed slightly when I met Itachi's eyes, for he was smiling gently, adoringly.

"Thank you, Emiko," he said. I lifted our hands and let it touch my cheek.

"Everyone had to know the truth and you deserve a second chance," I replied. "I won't let anyone make you a sacrifice ever again."

"I promise that, too," added Sasuke. "I won't let anyone make either of you a sacrifice again."

"Thank you, Sasuke," I said, cupping his cheek with my free hand. It made him blush and elicited a soft laugh from me and Itachi.

Letting go of my boys, I looked to my team. Many of them appeared awkward from my open show of affection to the two people I loved most in the world, but it had made them less wary of Itachi.

"Alright then, now that the Edo Tensei has been taken care of, it's time for us to head over to the main battlefield and be Naruto's backup while he deals with Madara. Itachi has a battle strategy that I think will work and I will have it sent across to everyone while we head over. Is that fine?"

"Yes, Emiko san, we will put our trust in you and Itachi san," spoke one of the men in the front, though he and everyone else still seemed a little halfhearted in the matter.

"Great, thank you," I answered and looked to Itachi with a joyous smile. Just before we could leave though, I turned to face Itachi properly. I unclipped his necklace that I had been wearing all this time and clipped it around his neck while saying, "I believe this belongs to you."

"To us," he replied, touching one of the three rings with his fingers. "I didn't think that you would have this all this time."

"Of course, I had it with me. How could I ever throw away something so precious, all the more since it's always suited you so well?"

His tender smile roused a light blush upon my cheeks. I closed my eyes though, when he leaned down to kiss my forehead. When he pulled away, he said, "Let's go now."

It was time to fight Madara head on now, to face his and Tobi's wrath that would be a result of our betrayal. We had to stop him before he could cast his Eternal Tsukuyomi that would put the world into an endless darkness.

This was the moment where we would atone for the mistakes we had made in the past, for only watching from the sidelines as people suffered because of the Akatsuki. We would fight to protect the people we cared about. There were surely many challenges ahead, but as a team, Itachi, Sasuke and I would be fine. And we would fight together with the other villages to achieve the goal we had to from this war - freedom, hope and unity.

We did not stall a moment after that to sprint to where Naruto was. His chakra was immense, way too strong to not notice even from the distance we were at. On the way though, Itachi shifted so he was closer to our communicator. The latter flinched and I clenched my jaw slightly - I knew it would take time for everyone to be comfortable around Itachi but they could be a little less obvious about it. Obviously, Itachi wasn't bothered by the reaction and only spoke.

"What is your name?"

"Naoki, Itachi san," he answered with a slight waver in his voice.

"I need to relay the strategy to all the troops. Put me in contact with Inoichi san so he can let me inform everyone about the plan," Itachi said and Naoki nodded. The latter awkwardly helod out his hand and Itachi took in so as to set up the link to speak to everyone.

We were going to go up against something much stronger than anything we had faced before, and some units had got news that the Jyuubi was being revived. As such, Itachi informed everyone of a strategy to help fight the Bijuu without us taking too much damage. It had to first be immobilized.

While Itachi spoke of his idea, suggestions came in. With Itachi being someone who supported teamwork - though he had not been able to see through it all the time - he discussed more on the suggestions until everyone had come up with a solid plan that would work. It was necessary for us to immobilize the Jyuubi before we sealed it or tried to kill it. Unfortunately, there was no other way to stop its rampage. Although, dealing with Tobi and Madara asking with the Jyuubi would be quite intense.

With our plan relayed to everyone, Itachi let go of our communicators hand and we continued on to the battlefield with full gusto. The closer we got, the more intense the chakra of the Jyuubi that we could sense. It was stronger than I thought it was - ot was astounding that such a powerful creature even existed and we knew nothing about it.

My thoughts were interrupted by the gentle squeeze of my hand. I looked to Itachi, meeting his gentle gaze that was accompanied by a soft smile upon his lips.

"Everything will be fine," he reassured.

"I know. I'm just a little nervous because I'm worried about you or Sasuke getting hurt," I said.

"Nii san is right, Nee chan," Sasuke added, having heard us speaking. "We'll be fine. We're in this a s a team, after all."

"Of course," I replied with a short laugh. "I'm very lucky to have such a wonderful husband and a wonderful brother."

It was not much later that we reached the battlefield, joining Naruto to fight against the real Uchiha Madara, Tobi, who we now knew was Uchiha Obito, and the Jyuubi. It wasn't just our team that joined Naruto, but thousands of others as well, all ready to do what we could to stop the two men who wished for the world to end. Itachi, Sasuke and I came to stand closest to Naruto along with Kakashi and Gai.

Looking up at where our opponents stood, I met Oboti's narrow, scrutinizing gaze. He was angry because I had betrayed him, obviously, but I only narrowed my eyes at him, determined to defeat him and the man beside him, both of which seemed to have somehow connected themselves to the Jyuubi.

"Why won't you realize that it's meaningless to stop us here?" Obito said flatly.

"It's not meaningless," I spoke up. "This war is the turning point in the Shinobi World, and is the first step in joining hands against those who wishe to disrupt what we have built over the years. It doesn't matter what you do, we will stop you and we will stop anyone else who tries to put us down."

"Who is she?" the real Uchiha Madara asked Obito whilst looking down at me with his Rinnegan eyes.

"That is Emiko, a former member of the Akatsuki who joined along with Uchiha Itachi. Both of them betrayed the Akatsuki. It's odd that itachi is alive though, for he died while fighting his younger brother," answered Obito. "How is it possible that Itachi is alive even without the Rinne-Tensei jutsu? What did you do?"

"That's something you don't need to know," I said sharply.

"Let it be," he responded nonchalantly. "But you shouldn't waste your time trying to stop us. There is no victory no matter how much you struggle. There is no hope left in this world."

"I will make sure that there is hope!" Naruto said in response, his voice loud and with confidence. "We will definitely stop you!"

"It's meaningless to argue with you. How about we settle this now?" Madara said in slight annoyance.

We all raised our guard when the Jyuubi roared deafeningly, readying itself to attack us under the control of the two Uchiha men. This war was sure to be a long one, and one that we would not win easily even though we were fighting as a team. I knew that by the time this war had ended, we would have lost several people that we cared about.

Perhaps I was being selfish, but I was most concerned about losing Itachi or Sasuke in the midst of the chaos. I promised myself that I would put my life on the line to protect them whether they needed it or not, but I would survive. The two brothers had gone through enough heartache and I would not let them go through any more.


Thank you for your patience in waiting for updates of this book! Hope you enjoyed the chapter ^^




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