
"Would you mind scaring off those bandits for me?.."


"I will do it, Lady (Y/N)" stepped up Shuraiya, he walked over to the bandits before knocking over the presumed leader with a surprisingly strong punch, the two goons beside him immediately wanted to go on defense before being given the same treatment, the Leader gaining back consciousness when the two side-kicks were done being dealt with, he dragged them both in fear with a tail between his legs, "Thank you Shuraiya."

I approached the boy kneeling, "Are you Alright? Any injuries?"

"No Miss.." muttered the boy, backing away, seemingly tense about the still not fully healed burns,

"Why were those bandits wanting to cause you trouble so much?"

"They wanted this puppy back..but they were treating him badly and I couldn't handle it..I wanted to provide him with a good home..." said the boy breaking into Tears, "I see..what's your name?"


"Well, Liam you did a good deed, do you have any guardians of parents?"

"My mother left me in this village a few weeks ago..I've been living in the streets ever since.."


"Yes M'Lady?"

"Y-You're a Lady?.." looked up Liam seemingly surprised of the new found news,

"Make sure Liam is entrusted into a good orphanage that's been approved by me"

"For sure."


"Yes Lady (Y/N)?"

"Make sure the pup is taken with us to carriage. I'm planning on personally giving it a good home."


"T-Thank you Miss!" Bursted Liam, happiness lacing his voice as he embraced my legs, I pat his head, the feeling was familiar as a flash of a memory of Jeffrey saying his first word flew in my endless mind..

"I'll give him a good home. I promise.."


After shopping some more and getting Liam in a orphanage that was constantly being sponsored by Ace, owned by a woman with curly orange hair..odd, but rather relieving.

The now groomed and bathed pup lay in my lap staring up at me, I was back in my silk attire with the veil being lifted above my head as I could gaze into the canine's deep Jade orbs..it's dark fur being so soft to the touch after it being properly groomed..

"You seem Happier."

"Do I really, Shuraiya?"

"You do, and when people say 'you'll always have that blazing fire in you when doing a good deed'. I can finally say it's true, Lady (Y/N)"

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