Meet the artist

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Helllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooiii fellow artists

So this is like my third time being on wattpad over the years, as I've just gotten into art again after a long break

So I am not new here! I am pretty experienced with the wattpad ways you can say

Regardless, I'm going to introduce myself.… For the third time

(I'd had to google a random list of things to say about myself lol)

Read if you want to! Hopefully we share some interests

Basics ~

Real name: Madelyn or Maddie

Preferred to be called: Mosaic or my full username

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi or hetero-biromantic (tend to be more attracted to guys sexually but prefer dating girls)

Likes: German/learning languages, drawing, watching weird movies, mints, the cold, winter, pink, Lego star wars games, dragons, males, my cats, joking about pain and suffering, star wars, old lovecraftian stories from dem early days, actually good horror, gay things, the neverhood/sleepyhead

Dislikes: The typical: racism, homophobia, sexism, etc, young swearing bratty angsty children (or just children in general), generic action/stupid jumpscare horror movies, "cancerous memes", spanish (Sorry), people thinking that asexual means not wanting sex when it actually means you have no sexual attraction to either sex, people obsessed with their sexuality/gender, eggs/celery/chilli

Favorite animals: Dragons, cats, deer, sharks, dinosaurs and horseshoe crabs

Favorite movies/shows: Jurassic Park, Night Crawler, Hannibal, The Thing, Breaking Bad, Treasure Planet, Bladerunner, Aliens, Snowpiercer, Day Of The Dead, Yuri on Ice, Raw, and Ninjago lol

The Thing, Bladerunner, and Aliens are just amazing, but Jurassic Park has always been my favorite movie of all time and always will be my favorite ❤

The Thing, Bladerunner, and Aliens are just amazing, but Jurassic Park has always been my favorite movie of all time and always will be my favorite ❤

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Favorite youtubers: RedLetterMedia, YourMoviesSucks, IHateEverything, RalphTheMovieMaker

So that's the basics! Sorry that there isn't any art for this chapter, but the next chapter will immediately have some art, so check that out if you want


Requests: Open

Art Trades: Open

Commissions: Possibly in the future

(Warning: Some art may be inappropriate for some and contains sexual/darker themes)

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