The SS rated Scorpio

Start from the beginning

"You were told to come alone."

"Touka is with me, I can vouch for her."

"That's not the deal."

"There is no deal unless she's here too, I trust her and I'm not doing anything without her. Understand?" You and Yagi stared each other in the eye, a silent battle of wills going on. Yagi had his group of would be traitors to consider and while he was hoping you'd agree to lead them he didn't trust Touka, on the other hand you would just as happily walk away from from the whole business and go it alone.

"Fine." Yagi snorted turning his back and storming away. "Follow me." He demanded. Although you didn't like his attitude you still followed him, keeping Touka close.

"I don't know what's waiting for us Touka." You told her. "So keep your guard up." You Warned following Yagi, a little on edge. It was possible that this was all one elaborate trap in order to ensnare you by the Zodiac, this would be the perfect time to do it. Turning the corner you saw a group of a half dozen teenagers, all of them older then you, huddled around a large table. These must have been the other members of Zodiac, the ones who wanted to betray Leo.

"Who's she?" One asked, starring at Touka.

"She's with me." You told them defiantly, taking a step forward. "Anything you want from me goes through her first, you got a problem with that we leave and you never see us again. And while we're on the subject let's make a few things clear." You told them aggressively. "My name is Scorpio, CCG ranking SS. I killed Libra even after he used his Kakuja, six CCG investigators have died under my Kagune. I'm smart too, smarter then any of you. So if you want me to lead you guys I will, but we do it on my terms and on my conditions. Anyone got a problem with that?"

There was silence in the room, no one was sure how to respond to such a sudden outburst. Even Touka seemed stunned by your out of character display, it was the first time she'd seen you suddenly get loud. Yagi seemed the most nervous, he'd been leading this little Cabal for a while now, he had these other ghouls to look after too. He'd been trying to get you on board with him for so long that he'd forgotten that you didn't play well with others, this alliance he had been building was weak at best.

"No complaints?" You asked seeing as no one spoke up. "Good. Now let's get on to business, I want to hear everything you know about their operations."

Leo was king, That's what was certain even from your perspective. However the information that the others had was vital to map out the organisation as a whole, which would help you build a better picture on how to attack. It seemed that Aquarius was his queen, loyal in the extreme to her lover with unwavering loyalty. Aries was her twin brother, also loyal to Leo as well as his sister he would  not hesitate to kill anyone who threatened them. Taurus was a lapdog, kept in line through fear of the stronger ghouls. Libra was just a loose cannon, apparently he was barely controlled and couldn't be contained.

Infront of you were pictures of a large factory, supposedly derelict. Yagi assured you this is where they were hiding out, this was where they pulled back when they were wounded. "How many guards?" You asked.

"No less then fifty at any one time, but it's not uncommon for there to be more. The factory was originally built to accommodate some two hundred workers before it closed, Leo closes himself off with Aquarius most days. It's usually me that runs the day to day operations, keeping everything running smoothly. Aries is their military general if you would, he plans any kind of coordinated attack."

You scratched your chin thoughtfully, considering the best path to take. Any kind of frontal assault would be worthless, your members would be scared off if you suggested that. You were going to need time to come up with a plan. "What about defences? Do they simply pack the place with guards for is there a thought out strategy to it?"

"They aren't too bright." Said Gemini, poking his glasses back up. "Honestly they aren't really guards, they just help load up cargo and preform odd jobs around the hideout. They aren't very organised despite what Leo tries to make it."

"But most of his supporters are idealists who believe what he says about a better world, think he's going to usher in a new world order." Vertigo told you politely.

"Yeah." Agreed Cancer, a short girl who couldn't have been more then fifteen.

"That's a problem." You told them. "If they were in it for themselves they might run if we killed enough of them, but zealots are known for fighting to the last man. We're going to find a way to thin their numbers."

"I can do that." Yagi interjected. "I can schedule for there to be around twenty at the most, it'll take some planning to not tip off the others though."

"Speaking of which." Pieces Spoke. "What about the others? We're not strong enough to face them head on, and I don't think even you could face them alone Scorpio."

"You raise a good point, we're going to have to fight dirty here." You agreed. "Leo is a fantasists, he won't surrender even if its to the last breath. If Aquarius is in love with him she'll die to either avenge him or protect him, in turn Aries will do the same for his twin. Whatever way we look at it, we have to kill the three of them."

"I think Taurus will die fighting too, he really is your opposite you know." Yagi informed you. "He's a total megalomaniac, he's managed to get more power through zodiac then he ever has before. He'll be loathe to give it up, I doubt he'll accept defeat at your hands."

You a loud sigh, trying to work the problem out. You were loath to put anymore lives at risk then you had too, so a head on assault wasn't your preferable option, but at the same time it was the only one that had realistically presented itself. Once Leo's people realised what was going on, ghouls would be called in from separate areas to reinforce their leaders. A long drawn out fight would mean getting over whelmed, a quicker raid would be far more preferable. But that would mean having to use all members of the zodiac, but they weren't fully up for the task.

"We could get other help?" Touka suggested, speaking for the first time since you'd arrived. "The gourmet is a S rated ghoul supposedly, he's started a small following of cultists. I'm sure he'd like the zodiac removed so he could play his filthy games without anyone getting in the way."

"It's not a bad idea, if we convince him we can pull it off and he can dine uncontested by zodiac he'll be more likely to help out. Even with his followers though it's still going to be close. But who knows, maybe he'll surprise us?

Scorpio (Tokyo Ghoul Touka x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now