"So I'm not important?" Nicolai asked, amused.

"You know what I mean."

"Well, aren't you going to introduce us?" her mother asked.

"Nicolai, mom. Mom, Nicolai. Are you happy now?" Talia dug around in her yogurt. "You took my last piece of kiwi!"

Elaine ignored her and shook Nicolai's hand. "Nice to meet you Nicolai. I'm Elaine Hudson."

"I've heard a lot about you," Nicolai said.

"Good things I hope."

"Only if the person isn't one of your enemies."

Elaine smiled. "My reputation does proceed me."

"As reputations should," Nicolai said. "You're only as good as your reputation. If you're bad at your job, people will talk, and if you're good, people will talk. Your reputation says you are very good Mrs Hudson."

Elaine leaned her elbows on the table. "You're good with words. What are you planning to become career-wise?"

"I haven't decided yet on my career but there is one thing I want to become more than anything regardless of the career I choose."

"What's that?" Talia asked.

Nicolai looked a little embarrassed. "A hero."

Elaine looked at Talia. "You want to be a fixer and Nicolai wants to be a hero. I'd say you were a perfect pair."

"You and everyone else," Talia muttered.

"What?" Nicolai asked.

"Nothing," Talia said. "Being a hero is a good goal. You have my approval." She gave him a thumbs up and he smiled.

"I'm glad you think so. My parents would prefer me to get a job that doesn't involve capes," he said.

"Not all heroes wear capes, Nicolai," Elaine said. "I would love to work with more heroes and less villains." She patted Talia's knee. "Hurry up and finish your yogurt so I can take you home."

"I can get home on my own just fine," Talia said.

"Since when has that ever been taken into consideration?" Elaine asked.

"Mom, you're embarrassing me," Talia hissed.

Nicolai smiled. "You should see my mother when she's here. She doesn't even want me in the kitchen in case I cut myself with a knife."

"Don't give her any ideas," Talia hissed.

Elaine tapped her chin with her finger and looked thoughtful. "That's right. Forks are pointy as well and even spoons are dangerous. From now on, we're blending all your food."

"Mom," Talia said.

Elaine laughed. "You're finished now. We should leave." She stood. "It was nice meeting you Nicolai." They shook hands again.

"You too Mrs Hudson," Nicolai said.

"If you're going to interrupt us again, then the least you can do is buy us more frozen yogurt," Talia said.

"Next time," Elaine said. "Oh, I almost forgot. Nicolai, could you stop giving Talia food? I'm afraid it would negatively affect her diabetes."

"Mom," Talia said.

He looked embarrassed again and rubbed the back of his neck. "I did wonder if that would be a problem." He looked at Talia. "Guess you won't get to taste the calzone I was going to bring tomorrow."

The Scarlet Stinger (LRDA Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now