Flower eating paintings and eyes. Ch. 4

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"D..... Does this lone eye have a congestion problem?" Louis said looking at the red eye that had veins that looked like they were about to pop.

Soon Harry remembered that there were eye drops in that other room, he got up and and ran back out of the hallway of eyes and to the other room with all the canvases. He pushed away all the stools that were blocking the thing in the middle of the room. He picked up the little bottle of eye drops and went back to Louis. 

Harry took the bottle of eye drops and dropped a few into the congrested eye. It seemed to get sucked back into the hole it came from and then pop back out completely fine. It then popped back into the hole and the hole started moving over to the wall. 

Harry and Louis followed the eye and looked at the wall it was looking at. After a second it disppeared again, Louis noticed that the wall the eye had been looking at was a slight different color.

 Harry pushed on the wall till it caved in and Harry could fit inside. It was a small, long room that at the end seemed to have somehing laying on the ground. Harry picked it up and it seemed to be, a red glass ball. 

Harry climbed back out of the room and showed Louis what he had found, "it seems like it would go to a painting, like you see it has white paint on it. Maybe it goes to one of those painting?" Louis suggested.

"Do any of the painting have white paint at all?" Harry asked as they walked back to the hallway where the paintings were at. They looked at all the painting and it seemed that the glass ball could fit in. Harry stood on the tips of his toes so he could reach the hole where the painting. 

He pushed the glass eye in and it clicked in and the painting next to it fell down, there was writing on the back of the painting that read,

"Behind the big tree..." 

"There's still one room we haven't gone in, maybe theres a tree in there?" Louis suggested as Harry turned around to look at him. 

The two went to the last room, it has four-five sculptures in it, the first one was a giant wine glass that had what looked like a giant, red pillow in it, "doesn't look like comfortable sitting to me." Louis said looking it over.

Next to it was what looked like a giant bust of someone, "Melancholy, huh. Well really, who wouldn't be in a place like this?" Louis scoffed.

Next to that was a skeleton that has splattered with a bunch of random colors, "I assume this is fake?" Louis said looking at it.

Lastly there was what seemed like to be a giant tree, it didn't really look like a tree but more like a bush, but they both knew it was what they were looking for. 

Louis went behind the tree and looked through the tree till he found a little silver ring, "I think it goes to the brides hand that was in the hallway?" Louis said. 

The two went to the room with the two hands, Louis gave the silver ring to Harry and told him to put it on the brides ring finger. 

Harry did as he was told and it seemed that the faces of the people in the paintings when from a frown to a smile. 

After Harry stood back up something fell out of the painting, it looked like the bouquet of flowers, just like the one from the painting. Louis looked at the painting and the bouquet is gone. 

"Wait! That painting! Maybe he wants these!" Harry yelped at Louis. 

Harry grabbed the bouquet and ran back to the painting leaving Louis behind. 

The painting repeated itself from before with all of the laughing and begging for the flowers, once the painting asked for Harry's flower, Harry gave the painting the fake flowers and the painting ate them. 

"Ehe, thank you, thank you very much, as promised, you can go through," the painting said to them, "just take this door in... Well, see ya.... ehehehehe!" 

Harry grabbed onto Louis' hand and dragged him through the painting that now seemed to be a door. 

When they were through the painting it seemed that they were just in a smaller room that had a door at the end so they went through the next door to see what laid on the other side. 

In the next room it seemed to be a room full of maniquin heads, there were a bunch of them, an endless row of the creepy looking heads. 

Harry was scared a bit and didn't let go of Louis' hand when they went thorugh the room, it did end thankfully. They got into the new room which was really big and had many big walls. 

Harry still had a tight grip on Louis' hand and as they walked into the room they heard the crash they had heard before but it slipped their mind on what exactly that was. 

Art Gallery; Harry StylesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum