But then again, so was I

Fuck it. I thought, and uploaded the picture with no caption and no tags, just the picture. I heard Charlie's phone go off next to me, and he spoke up.

"What have you posted you little imp." He said, smiling despite knowing exactly what I posted. I smiled, and he liked the photo, and we both shut off our phones for the night to let the fans do as they please. When we were all tucked back into bed, I realized that the movie was over, so I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, turning around so my back was in Charlie's chest and we fell asleep as we have for the past little while.

~~Time Skip to the next morning~~

I woke up the next morning to Charlie moving, assumably going to answer his ringing phone that I now hear.

"Hello?" My thoughts are confirmed when he answers. "No you just woke me and Leo up. Why?...oh yeah I forgot about that...yeah I know...ok...yes we'll check...okay bye." He ended the call and I furrowed my brows.

"What was that?" I asked him. He crawled back over to cuddle with me before replying.

"It was Marianne. Remember the picture you posted last night? Well apparently everyone is losing their shit so she and Blair want us to take a look around to see what everyone is thinking."

My heart dropped. I knew this would happen and I knew how insane the fans would be but the reality didn't sit in until just now. "O-okay...let's look then." Charlie and I spent the next hour looking through some comments, dms, and fan posts before we decided that it was time to head downstairs to the hotel lobby for breakfast. We put on comfy clothes, since we would be getting dressed up for our date after, and headed downstairs. It took us about 45 minutes to actually get through lineups and eat, but it was worth it. This breakfast was incredible. After we were done, we headed back up to our room and tidied up a bit; we were checking out in a while so we needed to pack everything up. We spent about an hour and a half cleaning up all of our garbage and packing everything we brought with us except for the outfits we were wearing later. After all of that was finished, Charlie and I sat next to each other on the sofa in the room and started talking; we had about a half an hour left until we were supposed to be checked out.

"So, any place in particular you want to have the date?" Charlie asked me. The question caught me off guard, so my cheeks darkened.

"Uh..n-no. And as cliche as this might sound, I just want something cute and cliche."

Charlie smiled as I spoke softly. "Okay, cute and cliche it is. Give me a couple of minutes and I'll have everything planned." He smirked and I smiled back at him. 

"Okay, you go plan and come find me when you're ready." I said, grabbing the remote and turning the tv on.

"Alright." He smiled at me before disappearing through the door of our bedroom.

~~Time Skip 15 Mins~~

Charlie came back out with a smile on his face, "You should get dressed for our date now. Wear what you want, but I wouldn't recommend anything too fancy, because this is pretty casual, okay?" He asked me.

"Okay, I'll go get dressed now." I smiled as I stood up from the couch and headed to our room to change. After I changed, I went back into the living area with everything ready to take out of the hotel. Charlie looked up when he heard me.

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