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"Bakugo, could we go get some coffee or something?"
The blonde blinked. The angel was starting to be a real pain in his ass, always asking to go out to stupid places.
And as much as it killed him, he tried to sympathize. Bakugo couldn't imagine what having to be with a person no matter what would be like, but he would think that it would get annoying. So he reluctantly gave in, instantly regretting it when Kirishima's whole face lit up like a child given candy.

They walked to the coffee shop in silence.
Strangers gave the pair odd second glances, most likely due to the fact that it was freezing cold out and Kirishima was wearing a tank top and shorts. Bakugo thought about offering his jacket but quickly pushed it away. He refused to sympathize with the angel boy any more then necessary. 
When they got to the coffee shop, Bakugo ordered a plain black coffee and Kirishima ordered a latte.
They sat at a booth by the back, drinking in silence as the sky darkened and the lights from shops outside brightened.
Bakugo ruffled a hand through his hair, inquiring about the future, when suddenly Kirishima cleared his throat, making him jump.
"Sorry if it's too much to ask but... could we maybe... go look at the light display?"
He shyly asked, avoiding eye contact.
It took all of Bakugos willpower to not bolt away or blow something up. He tried his hardest to ignore the faint blush dusted on Kirishimas nose and cheeks but it didn't work.
He robotically nodded with the most stoic face he could manage.
Was it possible that Bakugo found Kirishima attractive? Sure. You would have to be blind to say he wasn't. So it's not like it means anything. Probably.

Kirishima giddily jumped up from his seat.
"Can we go now?"
Bakugo bit his lip, which was starting to get bruised from how much he was biting it and stood up as well.
"Sure shitty hair".
Kirishima rolled his eyes and ruffled his hair so that it fell down almost to shoulder length. His ruby red hair normally spiked up so he looked taller then Bakugo, but with it down, the small height difference was more noticeable.
"Better?" He asked innocently, flashing a toothy smile.
The blonde boy let out a small laugh, before walking out of the coffee shop with the angel following him.

Bakugo had to admit, the light display was pretty awesome.
Each light looked like a small twinkling star, and they were scattered through the trees and were hanging down from the branches. There were lights on the street too, making it look like him and Kirishima were walking on a path of stars.
Speaking of the angel, his eyes were brighter then all the lights combined. They sparkled whenever the lights would start moving, or when the lights would change colour, making it look like his hair was silver. Kirishima was silent the whole time, as if too awestruck to speak and Bakugo couldn't blame him.

They eventually sat down at a park bench that was wrapped in gold and pink  lights. The lights illuminated their faces, that's when Bakugo noticed Kirishima's eyes were pricked with tears. He looked extremely fragile. Bakugo was terrified of saying anything that might shatter him into pieces. So instead he let them sit in silence.

"I miss home".
Kirishima spoke suddenly. His voice cracking on the word home.
Bakugo started down at his feet. He hadn't really thought about what Kirishima's past was like before he became his guardian angel. Sure, they had only known each other for two days, but Bakugo forgot what life was like before Kirishima. He hadn't hurt anyone yet. And he was... happy for once. But it clearly wasn't the same for Kirishima.
Bakugo turned to face the angel and let out a small choked gasp. The redhead was crying.
Soft silver tears dripped down his round face, and he had a strained smile painted on.
For once in his life, Bakugo felt helpless. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know how to help.
So he engulfed the angel in a hug.
Instead of rejecting it, Kirishima hugged back softly. There were tear stains on his  jacket but he couldn't care less. The boy he was hugging seemed to have stopped crying, which was enough for Bakugo.
He scooped up Kirishima into a bridal position and started to walk home, ignoring Kirishima's small grunts of protest.
When they finally got to Bakugo's apartment, he gently placed the angel in his bed, smiling at how he had instantly fallen asleep.
"That was really manly..." Kirishima murmured quietly.
Bakugo had a soft smile on his face. It was unusual, but he didn't mind.

That night, he fell asleep on his couch. A red haired angel occupying his thoughts.

Woo new chapter! Sorry it's kinda short, I'm trying a new writing style :)
Thank you guys so much for the supportive/funny comments! They brighten my day y'all.
Tomorrow, Kirishima transfers to Bakugo's school, I wonder what will happen???

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