Ocean Blue (Pt. 2)

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Maybe a nature documentary videographer wasn't the most interesting job to the majority people, but to me it was almost all I'd ever hoped for. Sure, it wasn't exactly the job I'd been aiming for, there was still a part of me that wanted to be a director, but if getting to sit on the water's edge for up to hours on end with my camera (and usually a bag of Chipotle as well) was what I had, I was happy.

Most people wouldn't enjoy sitting silently in the same place for that long, but then again, most people won't become more interested in something after being nearly killed by it, so I wasn't exactly like 'most people'.

Almost drowning was an... experience. Even after more than fifteen years I could still practically feel the water surrounding me, suffocating me, and the grip of someone's hands as they dragged me onto the rough sand. The entire thing was almost... comforting? It was... odd. Maybe I was just a masochist but there was something about the memory that I couldn't help but be calmed by. It was weird, but at least it led me back here after having moved away from California for a while.

My eyes swept across the scene laid out beautifully in front of me, waves crashing against the shoreline, clouds floating peacefully across the bright blue sky, a dark figure swimming towards me, wind blowing through my auburn hair-

Wait, a dark figure?

My vision darted back to the water, scanning back and forth for the outline I'd seen, before realizing that it was likely just the shadow of a bird or something. I sighed, checking my watch, I only needed another hour of footage and then I'd have to head home. Laying back on my towel, I closed my eyes, mind just fading into the sounds around me.


I jolted up at the voice, head flipping over to the source.

A man was holding on to the side of the rock, the rest of his body dangling into the water, his blue eyes, the colour of the sky on a rainy day, met mine calmly. My hand went over my heart instinctively, letting out a heavy breath.

"Y-you scared me, oh my god." I told him, shaking my head. "Y'know, the beach isn't open right now, you aren't really supposed to be here."

He pursed his lips, nodding, but didn't make any sign of moving. It was silent for a moment.

"You don't remember me, do you?" He asked, tilting his head a bit. "God, you people have terrible memory."

"I'm sorry, what?" My brows furrowed together in confusion. "No, I-I don't remember you, are you from school? I kind of tried to block out those years."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "No, I'm Ryland."

My expression didn't change. "Okay..."

"Y'know, from back when you were a kid?" 'Ryland' continued. "The one who saved you from drowning that one time?"

Holy shit.

I opened my mouth but couldn't form any words. That kid? The one who I mistook for a mermaid when I was eleven was now here eighteen years later saying hi to me on that same beach that he'd saved me on?

Damn, someone must have laced my Chipotle with something because this had to be some sort of weird fever dream. I had so many questions that somehow all came flowing unstoppably out of my mouth at the same time.

"Why are you here? How'd you recognize me? Have I really not changed that much in twenty years? Again, why are you here? Are you stalking me? Holy shit, you must be stalking me."

"Look, Shane-"

"You remembered my name?!" I choked out.

"I remember a lot of things." He shrugged. "I saw you yesterday but was too nervous to-"

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