Shynee was indeed impressed Glacia for once said something nice about her, like all she made her go through was a test.

The trio finally found the cave, literally covered in ice.

"Here we are, my friends!" Glacia chirped, unusal of her. "...And there's the Rock."

"Whoa~ so huge!" Shynee squealed, staring at the icy crystals. She ran over to one of the diamonds, reaching out one of her paws, "...And pretty一" before Glacia slapped it.

"No! No touching! One little slip and it could be the worst regret in your life," she explained.

The Eevee moaned childishly, "Ah… don't you like being a Glaceon, Glacia...?"

"I do, because I chose to be one..."

"But many Eevees don't get to choose," she added, with a little of sadness; also unusal from her.

"Why not?" Shynee asked.

"Accidents or... trainers," she said the last part with some sort of hatred.

"C'mon, Glace, let's get this over with," Leafia stated, before grabbing one of the crystals with ease and pulling with all her might. "Ugh... a little help please?!"

"You really thought pulling ice crystals was going to be easy?" Glacia chuckled, walking up to help.

Shynee jumped over the ground excitedly. "Ooh! Ooh! Can I一"

"No, you can't help," the Glaceon responded, miffed. "Did you even listen to what I told you would happen if you touched the crystals?!"

"Calm down, squirt," Leafia said in a mocking tone. "You did choose for her to be in the team. You deal with her as you should."

"I said I would get Auntie to erase her memory," Glaceon retorted, huffing.

"You know Eifie won't be specially fond of erasing her niece's memories," the Leafeon snapped back.

"What?!" Shynee's mind almost exploded. "Eevee's mother has to do with these mysterious Pokémon...?"

"Um, may I ask a question?" Shynee mustered up courage to ask, while the two Eeveelutions were still bickering.

They both turned around towards her with irritated faces. "What?"

"Is this Eifie... really my aunt?" the shiny questioned, nervous of their reaction: a slightly panicked one.

Glacia quickly proceeded to glare at Leafia even further. "Be secretive, huh...?"

"The young one really knows too much now... before we at least had the chance to ditch her at some Pokémon Center and she would quickly forget about it... but, now..." Leafia calculated, struggling in her insides.

"You know which measures we must take now according to the royal reglament," she spoke.

Glaceon looked a bit surprised.

"I know you were just joking before but now... we have no choice but to take her in as a member of the team," Leafeon explained.

"Member...?! Me?! Of what?!" Shynee asked, flustered.

"Calm down, alright?" Glacia proceeded, looking at her. "I'll explain everything specific later, but for now, think of us as 'spies' on a 'mission' for the good of the world of Eeveelutions."

Shynee gasped with excitement as her tail wagged as possibly fast as an Eevee's tail could.

She then stopped suddenly before the realizement. "But wait... are we the good spies...?" She paused. "...Or the bad spies?"

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