Luna Tori nodded, "That would explain the burns I found on his neck."

"That would also explain why he responded to your touch like that," I cut in. "He must have felt the mating sparks and thought he was going to be electrocuted." Jesse looked heartbroken that something that was supposed to be joyous caused our mate pain.

'You guys might want to come downstairs,' Clark, one of the other warriors, called out through the link. 'Drake and Andrew are back.' Reluctantly we all left the room and headed down to see what the two officers had found.

Zayn POV

I had woken up after my nightmare to more people in the room. I couldn't tell how many there were without opening my eyes, and that would give me away. They were talking about me and my injures. They actually sounded....worried? I remember feeling the strange shock when I was asleep, but it wasn't like others I had gotten. It had actually felt....nice? Once they left I opened my eyes. I had to escape. I was unguarded and no longer wearing my collar so I could finally get out of here.

I opened my eyes and stood up. I removed the tube from my leg and jumped down from the table, wincing as it jarred my side. I padded to the door, which had been left open a crack. The room I was in was right at the top of the stairs. I could hear voices floating up from below from below and decided to listen in.

"-ighters didn't know much more than what they said before. The only new thing we got out of them was that they once overheard the 'owner', it seems he never told them his name, call the pup Zayn." I didn't know these voices. How many people were here? But they know my name I need to RUN! I bolted down the stairs, not caring if they heard me. Crashing through the door at the bottom of the stairs, I found myself outside. The people, Chase had called then 'werewolves' (What does that even mean?), were shouting inside and heading my way. Frightened I streaked towards the woods, jumping over logs and dodging around trees. Hearing something crashing behind me, I looked behind me and saw A GIANT BLACK WOLF!!!

 Hearing something crashing behind me, I looked behind me and saw A GIANT BLACK WOLF!!!

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Rain (Jesse's wolf)

  Dusk (Daniel's wolf) 

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  Dusk (Daniel's wolf) 

 I was so focused on the wolf behind me that I didn't notice another one step in front of me until I crashed right into it. Now trapped between these two wild animals all I could think to do was crouch down, whimpering, and wait for one of them to snap my neck. But instead they whined at my actions and also laid down. Confused, I stopped whimpering and jumped when I heard the voice in my head. 'Don't worry Little One, we don't want to hurt you.'

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