Lance x Gender Neutral Reader

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Don't own the pic.

So this still has the raining season thing and all that, but I changed it a bit. It's where Lance is a prince, Prince of the Ocean actually, and [Name] is Pidge's younger sibling. They're also a child of the Forest kingdom.

This shit is gonna be cheesy, so beware.

Imma fail and take four days to write this, watch me. Maybe even more than four days. Anyway~


"Dad!" [Name] whined, slumping against the table. Pidge snickered across from them, and Matt only sighed. Being just a year older than Pidge and (I'm not sure how old Matt is, let's just make him 18) being two years younger than Matt, [Name] was finally supposed to go out and meet someone, who they would then marry.

"I wouldn't laugh, Pidge," King Sam said, looking over at his youngest child. "Matt has already found someone ― Shiro, from the Takashi Kingdom."

"He sounds cool," [Name] said in a day-dream like voice.

"Back off," Matt warned. "He's mine."

"Ew!" Pidge joked. "Matt's gonna marry a guy!"

"At least he's a hot one," Matt retorted. "You might marry a girl, Pidge. You never know."

"Ha." Pidge said, her chin meeting her palm.

"Pidge," Colleen scolded her daughter, "no elbows on the table." Pidge grumbled and took her elbow off the table.

[Name] looked out towards the window and sighed, watching as a couple of birds passed by. They really wanted to go out to the ocean and just watch the waves, maybe go see Hunk for a few minutes.

[Name] suddenly sat up, and they blinked a couple of times. What if they married Hunk instead of some random guy they didn't know? It was the beginning of the rainy season, and they had to find someone to at least like before it ended.

What about Keith?

[Name] made up their mind and smiled. "Okay! I'm excusing myself! Imma go find someone! I'll be back tomorrow!"

"Ooh!" Pidge hollered. "[Name]'s gonna get some guys, maybe a girl! Don't forget to use protection!" She didn't care about her parents scolding her not to use that language, and [Name] smirked.

"Don't worry! I came prepared, and am ready to go!" [Name] shouted, grabbing their [second favorite color] cape to match with their red shirt, black pants and black boots.

••• Time skip, changed the POV to [Name]'s and not narrator's. It's "I" not "they" now •••

Keith was bruised up, and I stood in the doorway, one hand on the door knob, the other at my side. He stared into my [eye color] eyes. "What?" He asked, causing me to jump.

"What happened?" I made my way over to him, lifting up his bangs to feel his temperature and to look at the bandages around his head. "I was barely able to get in, and I think someone tried stopping me."

"We got ambushed."

"By who?"

"That cocky son of a bitch, Lance."

I was at lost. I didn't know anyone named Lance, and I didn't know anyone that would want to mess with Keith and his soldiers. They were trained to attack first and ask questions later, and who ever survived was interrogated―if they hadn't died of panic or blood loss.


"Ocean Kingdom's son." Keith replied, closing his eyes and sighing.

"They have a son? Were they keeping him hidden or something?" I sat next to Keith on the bed and he made some annoyed sounds before shouting and standing up.

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