Personal Bodyguard (GxG)

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The next few days were uneventful but I would have to eventually have to meet my new contractors men. And today was the day that I would protect my fathers worse enemy. Anna Monroe. There was at least 50 men of hers gather in this room, I couldn't help but be on edge when there was so many men in one room trying to kill me.
"Gentlemen I would like to meet my new personal bodyguard" she said as I walked into the room.
"Motherfucker" I heard a man say my eyes met with her right hand man. James Bell.

"If I remember it was your sister not your—" he launched himself over the table and ran at me. This is the first time in days my blood was rushing. I stepped to the side and I gripped his neck, forcing him to his knees but I was was greeted with the barrel of his gun. His eyes narrowed and the sweat was rolling off him in waves. And I just had to take this opportunity to wind him up.
"Yeah at least your sister played fair" I said as I grabbed for the gun, pulling it out of his hands. I mean breaking his forearm was uncalled for but I had to remind his who's boss.
"Well that was just uncalled for" Anna said as she looked down at her nails in boredom. I sighed and sat down in front of her. I kicked the chair forcing her to look up at me.

"No it was to remind him what happens if he tests me" I gave her a side ways smile as I stood up and stood next to her, half the men in the room had their hands on their holsters. I had no choice, this was my life now, Anna glanced at me from her high throne chair and she raked her gaze up and down. I couldn't help but do the same, her strawberry blonde hair fell just below her shoulder and her blue eyes matched the dark dress perfectly.
"You will be useful" she smirked at he and motioned me to stand beside her. I huffed but did as she said.

"Excuse you?!" I snapped
"All you have to do is look good and gain his trust"  Not moments later the doors swung open
"Ahh gentleman let's get down to business" she said as the young men came forward. One of them in a dark blue suit took the empty chair at the end of the table.
"Very well" he said calmly. After a while of discussion the truce was going nowhere but at least they were civil.

Anna smiled to herself and looked up at me, out of instinct I bent over so she could talk to me privately.
"The plan is going swimmingly" she smiled as she glanced at the man.
"What is this plan?" I asked, the man had been drooling all over himself every time he looked at me and it was disgusting.
"I think Cain might even be a little smitten with you"  she said completely ignoring me, she smirked at me but at the same time her fists clenches, her nails almost pierced the skin on her palm.
"Oh great" the sarcasm dripped of my tounge.

"Excellent. That makes this so much easier" her mischievous smile hadnt left her face but her eyes screamed anger as she glared at the man who had entered.
"All I want is some clubs downtown, that's it" he demanded and Anna was not taking this well. Whatever her plan was she had better get on with it before she kills him.
"And maybe the hottie over there" he leans on his hands as he looks at me and I turn my nose up at him.
"Well you can shove that up--" I was cut off immediately by screeching of a chair. The man had stood up in anger but he had a smirk on his face.

"Her or you've gotten yourself a war Anna..."  he laughs in her face but Anna was having none of it. She stands up and kicks out the chair from behind her, causing a massive scene. What is she planning!
"Really you must have mistaken me for some who cares about your idle threats" she gritted her teeth trying to hold her temper.
"Bitch" he practically foamed at the mouth.
"Oh I have been called worse things by better people" he seemed to have calmed down he resumed his seat but Anna kept standing.

"The girl, Anna" he stood there with his hand stretched out like he expected Anna to hand me over gift wrapped for him. The one thing that did worry me was the fact that Anna remained still, she looked like she was mulling it over, shit maybe she was gonna hand me over.
"Unfortunately shes not looking for a douchbag right now" I looked at her with a confused face but she had a glint in her eye. I do have a name but it seems they didn't care.
"Bullshit"  the man yelled. Anna merely smiled at the man and then turned to me, she placed a hand on my face and suddenly my slow mind caught up.

She leant down and kissed me, her tongue grazing my bottom lip. I refused to open my mouth but the she bit down on my bottom lip and I gasped. She slid her tongue in and explored my mouth.
"Being a dick won't make yours any bigger so leave" he seemed to have got the message and stormed his way out of the room. His guard quickly caught up and followed him out. The men still in the room were blanked faced or smirking at me. I was still in confusion about what just happened, I was left there with my mouth open.

"Eithed close your mouth or I'm gonna stick my tounge in it" I quickly closed my mouth and stood beside her as she took her seat. She slumped down in it with a massive grin, she's planned this all along. I couldn't help but smile, maybe coming here was a good idea after all.

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