I look at him once he puts down his mug and it's my turn to sigh, but I do it theatrically to amuse him. I don't get the reaction I wanted out of him, but I do see his muscles relax a bit. I slide myself back on the tip of the couch to take my barely drunk cup and his to bring them back to the kitchen.

When I come back, I walk past him and lock the door. I bite my lip and turn around to lean my back on the door seductively. I grin slowly and make my way to the bedroom never leaving him from sight. Even though I am in a sexy mood, he doesn't share it, but he follows me. I wait for him to get inside my room to close it behind him. I don't even have the time to turn around that he starts talking with a hushed but categorical tone.

"Don't fucking put me in a situation like that again, Grace. It was super embarrassing. We can sort things privately. Do you how hard it was to make her like me?"

He isn't angry, he is just cold, but I don't mind as much he might want me to. I step closer to him facing me, I take a hold of his shirt and tug it playfully.

"I thought you didn't care." I look up at him, my hands caressing his abdomen to his back.

"I don't, but she's your friend and I desire you too much to have her throw me out of here tonight." He starts to smirk as I embrace his waist to pull him to me.

"Well, you don't need to explain yourself to me. I know the real you."

"Do you?" He adds with a sexiness and a playfulness that excites me.

"I think so..." I narrow my eyes at him seductively, pulling him closer, tighter to my body.

"What if I can show you a side of me you don't know?" He leans and hovers his head over mine to be dominant and adorably cute and irresistible.

"Then, I am all yours. Show me." I innocently say to him, because I want to know who he is and how he is.

I smile at him. I am so happy he wants to open up to me. I truly like all the sides I know of him so far. He is a challenge, but one I am willing to take. It's exciting and unpredictable. He is so intelligent and kind. He is--

He pushes me on the bed firmly. I fall on my back before I even realise that he literally threw me there. Before I freak out to this sudden violent behaviour of his, his wide and fat proud smirk haunts every feature of his face and it gets me excited somehow.

He takes my ankles and pulls me back closer to him on the bed. He leans forward with a confident and rushed need to unbutton my jeans. He hooks his agile fingers and tears them away very quickly to throw them on the ground. He takes back my ankles and shifts me on my tummy. I giggle in surprise after I let out a little sudden scream. I can't see him anymore, but I am taking a great amount of pleasure to be handled so strongly. It's so exciting and killing me with anticipation. What will he do next!?

My heart starts to pace so quickly in my chest, but it's not to get scared or worried. I have never experienced something like this before. I am so excited to not know what he will do to me next. I feel aroused to know that he desires me so badly that it drives him to act madly and so hard with me.

I hear him get undressed, but the second I turn to take a peek at him, he hurries himself on me, straddling his naked legs on each side of my arse, and his hand presses firmly my head to the mattress. He leans his weight on me and I can feel his warm breath against my ear.

"This is the real me, as raw and hard as I feel inside. Say your full name if you want me to stop." He says softly to my ear, but I feel like it will be the last time tonight he will be delicate like that.

FALLEN (NOW PUBLISHED ON AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now