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hoseok felt a cold pair of fingertips brush against his jaw, then down his neck. the hand finally plopped down on his thigh, the fabric if his jeans scratching across the pale skin. the 14 year old's cheeks flushed pink, his hands gripping tighter onto his ukulele.

"sorry," the hand retracted, instead laying across the chest of the owner, min yoongi. the 15 year old glanced up at hoseok, ducking back down. "i just felt the need to touch, again."

"we have to work on that, yoongs. you do that at the store too. remember when you went to touch the towel, and the whole rack fell down with it?" the younger giggled, his fingers starting to fiddle around with the ukulele strings. yoongi scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"wasn't my fucking fault.. th-the rack was faulty.." yoongi pouted, looking away from his friend as his cheeks flushed. hoseok chuckled, fixing himself on yoongi's bed.
hoseok is yoongi's best, and only, friend, has been since preschool. growing up with such a train wreck was a hassle, but he loves him all the same. he was spending the night at the elder's, as his parents were going to be busy all weekend, and week, and month. but he wanted to spend the weekend with yoongi, so the month doesn't start off so somber.

the burnette started playing a soft song on his instrument, humming along to the cords. the raven's ears perked up, the tune being foreign to his ears. yet, he still loved it.

"hoskie, i don't recognize this one," yoongi rolled over, fixing the covers back over him. "did you write a new one?"

"yeah, it's called save me. it's one of my more, i guess, love songs?" hoseok sighed, abruptly ending his playing. yoongi faltered, his heartbeat quickening.

"di-did i make you angry? i'm so, so sorry i- i did-didn't mean to, i'll uh- shit. i wont do it a-again." yoongi squeezed his eyes closed, his chest bubbling with anxiety. he rolled back over and scooted away from hoseok, balling up into himself as his knees hit his chest.

"no, no, no, yoongi you didn't do anything. please look at me."

this was a normal thing, it happened all the time. someone would show any sign of anger, disgust, frustration, any negative emotion, and yoongi would immediately blame it on himself. saying things like i'm sorry or i didn't mean to or i'll try harder next time. maybe sometimes slipping up and exclaiming please don't hit me! hoseok doesn't know where that phrase came from, he's never been abused, nor bullied in his life. the raven has never been bruised by another, yet he seemed so petrified by the thought of getting hit.
yoongi often thinks he's the cause for most tiny outburst like that, always being cautious not to piss anyone off.

"bu-but you got angry, i must have-"

"no, yoongi," the younger put his hand on yoongi's head, rubbing it gently. yoongi twitched, his legs kicking out as his head snapped back, caused by the sudden touch. but he regained the control of his body as he curled back up, letting his friend rub his head. "it wasn't your fault. i just got tired of playing."

"ca-can you tell me what save me is about?" yoongi asked cautiously, the feeling of hoseok's fingers through his hair calming him. hoseok hummed, noticing how yoongi's breathing was getting slower, calming.

"it's really up to you," the younger admitted, yoongi turning over to look at his friend. "i can, uh. give you the lyrics at school. and you can figure out what it means to you."

"well, so far, it sounds really pretty." yoongi fully turned to hoseok, showing off a rare gummy smile.
hoseok smiled back, admiring the elder's smile. he put his uke on the ground and slid under the covers, turning over to face yoongi.

"geu soneul naemireojwo save me, save me. i need your love before I fall, fall.." hoseok sang, fixing his head in the pillow. he hummed the lyrics again, not bothering to sing once more.

"i like it when you sing, you sound very gentle," yoongi admitted quietly, his voice rumbling as he lowered his voice.

"ah, thank you. i try my best." the brunette's hand placed itself on yoongi's cheek, his thumb rubbing against it once or twice. "goodnight, yoongs."

"g'night, hoskie," the raven smiled, feeling his friend's hand retract, and turn over. yoongi turned over as well, curling up into a ball and pulling the covers up to his jaw. he tried to ignore the whispers going on around him, he knew it was just his mind playing games with him. he felt the ringing in his ears get louder with every breath, causing his eyes to flutter open.

"hoskieeee.." yoongi whined, smiling as he heard the other groan. "can i play music, i can't sleep without it."
he looked over, just in time to see the other nod.

"just.. don't play trap or some stupid shit. like death metal or some loud bullshit like that," hoseok chuckled, feeling himself get more tired by the minute.

yoongi quietly got out of bed, he didn't want to disturb his friend. he made sure he wasn't making noise as he walked across the room, taking a old radio out of his closet. he set it up on his dresser and plugged it in, purposely turning the station to one that only plays rock.

"yoongiiiiiiii!" hoseok groaned, raising his head in disgust. "what the fuck..."
yoongi giggled aloud, hoseok shaking his head with a smile.

"okay, okay. i'll change it." yoongi bit his lip to suppress another giggle, changing the station to one that plays slow, love songs the whole night. he's listen to this station his whole life, the songs it played were so calming, and beautiful. it'd rang from very old songs from the 60's to all the way to the 2000's. they most played songs from the 80's and 90's, but yoongi didn't mind. he knew most of the songs that were played from this station, and he absolutely adored every one.

instead of laying down, he went around to hoseok's side of the bed, the left side, and sat in front of the boy. yoongi wasn't tired, he never was. he would always try to fall asleep, even if his eyes felt heavy and his body was on the verge of breaking down, he physically couldn't sleep. so, he watched the other sleep, almost as coping to make up for all his sleepless nights.

one of hoseok's eyes opened, closing back as he let out a small groan. yoongi faltered, clenching his jaw tightly. both eyes opened and they looked back at the older, tiredness etched into their irises.

"why are you on the floor?" hoseok asked, annoyance laced under his breath. yoongi decided to ignore it, blinking a few times.

"i can't sleep, so i'm watching you sleep." yoongi fixes his position on the floor sending a small smile. "continue."

"yoongs, come here." yoongi scooted closer the bed, hoseok beckoning him closer. yoongi leaned in, but it still wasn't enough for the younger. yoongi leaned in once more, so close he could feel hoseok's breathing on his face.

"yes?" yoongi whispered, watching hoseok's eyes for some explanation as to why they were so close. he felt finger's wrap around his collar, pulling him closer and he felt the younger breathe on his ear.

"yoongi. go. the fuck. to bed," hoseok whispered in yoongi's ear, sending shivers down the older's spine. "or i will take matters into my own hands." hoseok added, pulling away. he let go on yoongi's collar and soon the two were face to face.

and yoongi, scared out of his mind, went straight to bed and fell asleep in five minutes.

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