Belle w/
Kimmie  JiJue        Yuri   Haneul

Ronath.  Hoshi       Gerald. HaJi

Gary    Allie   Sam     Joka  JiWo


I was cursing myself. Then the Bus started moving

I was looking at JiHyu with deathly glare she just looked at me smiling creepily

"Auntie, Im hungry.." Belle said cutting me and JiHyu's stare

"Oh, Ok what do you want?" I asked her getting the bag filled with goodies

"I want poridge..." She said

I looked at the food that Anna prepared for her.. Oh!! There it is!! Its a good thing it didnt spill

"Here you go" I said giving it to her

"Thank you!" She said getting the spoon and eating the poridge

'She is cute' I heard some one mumble

I looked to my right..

"Huh? Were you saying something?" I said

"Huh? Oh It's nothing" He smiled...

His Dimples were showing!! Why am I fangirling? Snap out of it Kimmie!

I just looked away.

TIME SKIP- 1 HOUR LATER (It take's them 3 hours after they arrive)

I was sleepy....

I was about to sleep when I saw Belle taking something from her bag
It was a story book about fairies. It was titled 'TinkerBell'

"Auntie can you read me a story?" She said

"Ok" I said

She sat between me and JiJue

I opened the book

"Once upon a time. A fairy was...." I continued
I closed the book when I heard a slight snore that came from her...

"What's her name again?" A man said

"Belle" I said looking at the man

"Oh. Who's her parent" JiJue said

"Kim Lee" I said

"Why is she with you?" He asked

"Cause Kim Lee is in Korea taking care of the company" I said

"Ok" He ended the conversation

I looked at the window. Then fell asleep

JiJue's POV

I was done talking to Kimmie

I looked to my phone and just watched some videos of hacks while eating chips

I looked towards Kimmie. She was sleeping with her head leaning on the window. While Belle is sleeping between me and Kimmie

I just continued watching then I heard a small yawn that came from Belle. Then she leaned on my lap

I just let her be...

I looked toward Yuri and Hanuel they were also sleeping.... JiHyu, Y/N, Ronathan, Hoshi, HiJa, Allie, Gary, Joka, Jiwo, and Sam were ALL sleeping

While i was lost in my thoughts... Some one fell onto my shoulder..

'Um..... Help?'

[Nope no help will come!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA]

'Why are you so evil...'



I was about to move her head when I noticed she looked comfortable....

So i didnt bother moving her

I set my phone and chips aside and slept but in the other direction from Kimmie


Kimmie's POV

'Aww they are so cute!!

'Shh their going to wake up!"


I slowly opened my eyes... I was blinded by the flashes

"Huh?" I felt a like im leaning in ..


I looked up I saw JiJue leaning in my head while Im leaning in his shoulder

"Good morning, Auntie" Belle said while she is being carried by Allie

"Belle, why didnt you wake me up?" I said

"You looked comfortable" She said smiling widely

"You betrayed me.." I said in a sad tone

"Well wake up already!! Were here!!" Allie yelled waking me and JiJue

"Huh?" JiJue said as he woke up

He looked at me and noticed what position we are

He sat up and fixed himself

"Uh.. Sorry" He said

"Its ok" I said. I took my things and stood up I was walking out. I accidentally bumped into JiJue while getting out.

He turned around and stared at me....
But it was ruined...
"How long are you going to stare at each other?" Allie asked holding Belle's hand

I looked away and went outside...


To be continued

Y. L. C. W. D. P [Fanfiction W/ BTS]✔Where stories live. Discover now