Wedding Bells

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A/N: Happy Valentines Day. If you don't have a valentine. That's okay. I still love you :) Oh! Quick vote, did everyone like sisters in pink where Sanji went between male and female clothes?

It washed over, a feeling of nervousness. It drowned and suffocated his mind, playing made up scenarios of what could happen. But. probably won't. If he could clutch his hands any tighter, he'd rip out his blonde hair. Or shut his eyes shut any harder, he'd permanently blind himself. For he is the one to  wear white, with a cute little green rose pinned to his coat.

They say your wedding goes by so fast, you should cherish any moment that happens.
He finally let go, letting his hair fall back into place, besides being a bit messy. His eyes finally opened to look at himself in the mirror in front of him. Slowly he approached looking at himself in the mirror.

"Poor sap." He muttered.

Tilting the mirror up he looked at himself. Adjusting his coat and his hair, he brushed his hair away from his curled brows. Then checked his clean up job with shaving his face. But he seemed to be alright. He took a breath looking to himself in the mirror.

"What a lucky man he is."

Stepping back from the mirror he sat back onto the couch. He slumped back against the white plush throwing an arm over his eyes.


Opening his eyes he peered up to the door, "What is it Luffy?"

"Can I come in?"


The door opened as Luffy stepped through. Pushing back his straw hat onto his back, he adjusted his suit before shutting the door. Sanji threw his arm away from his face and looked up to the ceiling. Luffy sat next to him while he rummaged in his pocket to a small packet of gummy candies.

"I swear to god if that is the food I made last night-"

"No. I bought it."

"With whose money?"


Sanji chuckled sitting up on his elbows turning to Luffy, "How is he doing?"

"Zoro? Oh. he's the same as you."


"Nervous, and mean."

Sanji chuckled, "Sounds like him."

"I just gave him some advice and I guess that worked."

"And what was that?"

"Just imagine him in his underwear. And everything will be fine."

Sanji pursed his lips as his ears grew to a hot red and a hue across his cheeks.

Imagine that, in his underwear? How could he. Just. Zoro. in his.

"Sanji your nose is bleeding again."

He perked up to Luffy handing him a tissue. Sanji gingerly took it before wiping away the blood and stuffed some up his nose. Luffy watched as Sanji sat on the couch leaning over the edge. Sanji fiddled with his fingers, he looked over to Luffy before back to his hands.

"I'm. I'm glad you're here."

"Zoro said you would enjoy some company."

"Luffy! Where are you!"

He stiffened as Sanji glanced to him then back to the door. Luffy tried to get Sanji to be quiet, but Nami came in anyway. Her hair pinned up into a bun and she wore a skimpy green dress with a yellow rose on her wrist. She shut the door heading into the room pulling out a comb from her hair.

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