Fight Me

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A/N: Eh. I know some of you aren't caught up. But Pedro is a Mink. It's not really a spoiler since he's been out for a while. And nothing in this has any spoilers. I just really like this ship.

Sanji slumped onto the couch beside Pedro. He rumbled putting his tail around him. Sanji rested against his shoulder as Pedro looked down to his book.

"What are you reading?" Sanji asked peeking over.

Pedro didn't respond as Sanji smirked looking to the book. His lips curled into a shit eating grin as his eyes scanned over the page. As the two lovers were going at it in the book.  Sanji glanced up to Pedro scooting a little bit closer.

"That wouldn't be the book I happened to have been talking about. Would it?"

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Then let me see the book."

Pedro glanced to him then back to the book. Sanji smirked sitting closer. He flipped the page still ignoring Sanji before folding the spot in it and placed it in his coat pocket.

"And if it is that book I was talking about. Then. That is, an adult book."

Pedro pursed his lips, "I-"

"Are you into naughty things Pedro?"

He stiffened feeling Sanji's hand slip onto his leg. He snapped to Sanji who held a large smirk on his lips.

"Fight me." Sanji purred.

"I think you just want me to pin you down to things. Love."

Sanji was pinned against the couch. He grinned up to Pedro. They kissed softly while hands wrapped around each other. Pedro pulled back as Sanji purred with a smirk.

"Is that your knee or-"

"Wanna find out?"

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