Clean Up

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Two years. It's been two years since they saw each other last. He never thought he would be back here. Once again.

Sanji looked down to the bronze key in his hand. His eyes darted up to the room number on the door. 1031, written in black with a white background. The paint on the navy blue door was slowly chipping away. Probably from all the slamming. Zoro always had a bad habit of slamming the door. 

Sighing softly, Sanji placed the key into the lock and unlocked the door. Stepping inside softly he glanced around. Everything was exactly the same as he left it. Well besides some pictures that had been taken down from the wall. And a hole in the door. The kitchen had a small stack of dishes in it having Sanji roll his eyes and sigh.

Shutting the door softly he stepped inside. Sanji put his keys in his pocket then headed out into the living room. He glanced around before noticing a box sitting by the TV. He smiled softly heading over to the box and opened it. Inside was his stuff. clothes, shoes, some personal stuff, and a ripped in half picture. Sanji sat back on his heels looking to the picture of himself. And Zoro's arm wrapped around him. He sighed putting the picture back in the box before he frowned. He grunted getting up and headed into the bedroom.
He stiffened seeing a figure lying in their, his bed. Zoro was asleep lying on his back holding something. His face a bit prickly and a long scar matted down the center of his left eye. Sanji stepped closer sitting on the edge of the bed. His eyes narrowed to the picture Zoro held in his hand. Slowly pulled it from his grip earning Zoro to toss onto his side and put his hand in Sanji's lap. He wrapped his arm around his hips and rested there before relaxing. Sanji rolled his eyes and looked to the picture.

It was a picture of them in there punk phase, both shaved a part of their heads. Piercings, tattoos, rings, band shirts and. The first time they kissed.

Everyone was crowding around them as they moshed, Sanji and Zoro danced and sang along with the band. But everything began to slow when Zoro stopped. Sanji turned to him slightly concerned, if he had a little too much to drink or whatever. But that's when he kissed him. Out of nowhere and that's when he knew. That he was the one.

Sanji set the picture down on the bedside table and sat there for a minute. He admired how the room had changed. His side of the bed had pizza boxes, beer cans, and some take out. While there was another hole in the wall behind the door. But that was probably the doorknobs fault. His clothes were on the floor everywhere, along with some towels, and shoes. Sanji placed his hand on Zoro's before removing his hand and slipped out from the weight of his arm. Sanji stepped up to the closet and dug through his things.

He sat on the floor pulling out some of Zoro's sweaters and shirts. Until a slip of paper fell out of the pocket of his coat. Sanji picked it up and opened it. Inside was a phone number, and a name. 'Law.' He turned to Zoro still asleep before back to the paper. He crumpled it up and tossed it behind him before going through the closet once more. Sanji smiled pulling out a baby blue sweater and pulled it on. By now. It was a little too small. But it still fit okay. As Sanji was putting things back the way they were he heard a soft crack under his palm.
Pulling away a shirt was another picture. Sanji frowned seeing the glass had broken, of once again another picture of them both of them. It was new years. A new years kiss, spending the last and first few minutes together as a couple. That was the year Sanji thought Zoro was going to propose to him. But that was the last year they spend together.

Sanji placed the picture on Zoro's dresser and got up. He turned to Zoro still asleep and in the same position as he left him. Sanji headed over to him kneeling down to his level. He ran a hand through his hair before leaning down and kissed him softly. He choked up pulling back and swallowed thickly.

"Goodbye." Sanji croaked.

Upon standing and turning away, the back of his sweater was caught. He turned to Zoro glaring at him from his bed, his hand knotted in his sweater. Sanji clutched his fists as he couldn't tear away from Zoro's dark glare.

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