With You

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look how friction cute he is

request: Hey it me 😄 can I get "It's not the typical Valentine's Day present, but I hope you like it" with Scott please♥️

(ur so polite bby you get whatever you want ily)

warnings: none?? this is just a fluffy mess really


A pack meeting on Valentine's wasn't exactly how I'd imagined spending the holiday, but if it meant I got to spend time with Scott, I was happy. A lot was happening in Beacon Hills lately, and unfortunately the meeting couldn't be avoided. Still, I didn't mind. In the few months that Scott and I had been dating, and the years before we'd been friends, the McCall home always had a certain warmth you just couldn't find anywhere else.

While the fireplace blazed, ambient music playing softly in the background, Scott and I worked on putting snacks out for everyone before they started arriving. Just as I was pouring pretzels into a big bowl, there was a ringing coming from the front door.

"I'll get it" spoke Scott, bringing his hands to my waist and lips to my cheek before exiting the room. Even after all this time, he still manages to give me butterflies.

I hear him lead the pack into the living room as I try to push the blush from my cheeks. After taking a deep breath and resettling my heartbeat, I grab the bowls in front of me and walk towards the now filled room down the hall.

"Hey everybody" I said with a smile, placing the snacks on the table and taking a place on the couch while glancing at Lydia and Stiles, clearly dressed up and with somewhere else to go. Most everyone was here, the only ones missing were Theo and Liam. When they arrived, all that could be heard from the hallway was arguing. After Scott came through the doorway, he was followed by a sharply dressed and not so happy Liam, and a contradictorily smirking Theo.

"I feel ridiculous in this" grumbled Liam, plopping himself on the couch next to me while tugging on the collar of his button up shirt, Theo sitting on the other side of him.

"Well I think you both look great" I whispered, giving them a small smile and patting Liam on the leg before turning my attention back to Scott. He stood at the front of the room, addressing everyone on Beacon Hills latest problem. I couldn't help but focus more on him than what he was saying. Sure, what's happening in town is important, but have you seen him?

I let my eyes wander as he continued to speak: over his strong jaw, pink, plump lips, and toned arms. He was perfect, not only physically, but in the way he cared for me, and others. The amount of integrity in his heart made mine long for him even more, although he stood right in front of me. In that moment, watching as he spoke to the pack, protecting them, I couldn't have been more in love. The realization struck me like lightning while sucking the air out of my lungs.

Scott must've notice the sudden rapidity of my heart, because he looked quickly over to me with concern. I inhaled sharply before giving him a small smile and a nod, letting him know I was okay. He shot me a puzzled look for a few seconds before finally looking away and addressing the pack as a whole again.

A few minutes later, Scott wraps up the meeting and everyone rises from their seats, speaking of all the exciting plans they had for the rest of the night. I stood and walked everyone out with Scott, his arm around the small of my back and holding my waist softly. We stood at the front door, making sure all our friends got to their cars safely, waving them goodbye as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Well, I guess it's just us now" he said, placing a kiss to my forehead, "shall we?". He took me hand and led me back to the couch. Scott and I had a Valentine's tradition, from even before we were dating, we'd stay on the couch cuddled close together and make fun of unrealistic romantic comedies. The night would mostly consist of Scott saying "Hey! I'm all for love, man, but that would never happen!" while I just laughed. I sat on the couch and began to nest in a few blankets, making sure to leave room for my companion.

"Hey, before we start the movies, there's something I want to give you" he says shyly, holding his hands behind his back, a small blush on his cheeks as he looks up at me.

"I thought we weren't doing gifts this year, Scott" I said, already breathless. I should've known he'd get me something anyways, damn his thoughtfulness. He took a few step closer to me before sitting beside me on the couch, pulling a small rectangular box from behind his back, placing it in my hands.

"It's not the typical Valentine's Day present, but I hope you like it".

I opened the small parcel, and whatever air left in my lungs was now gone. A silver bar necklace with two small moon charms on each side lay in the soft, black velvet box. Engraved on the silver bar was my name, in Scott's handwriting. I ran my fingers over the silver and tried to wipe away the stray tears on my face with the other hand.

"I engraved it myself" he said, "and the moons represent special days for us".

"It's beautiful" I replied, still trying to catch my breath, "but what are the days?". I looked up at him and the blush he was trying to conceal had escaped quite fully.

"The one on the left is the day we met", I listened carefully while inspecting each charm as he spoke of it, "and the one on the right... is the night I knew I loved you". With that, I felt my heart drop entirely; it had been the first time either of us had told the other. My head shot up and my eyes had met his gaze. Without so much as another thought, I wrapped my hands around his neck and brought his lips to mine. Passion filled the single kiss more than I thought possible, and when our lips broke, foreheads pressed against the others, no other words have ever felt so right to say as "I love you too".

I pulled Scott into another quick kiss before sitting back and pulling the necklace out of the box. "I don't want to spend another second not wearing it" I told him, as his took it out of my hands. I turned around and pulled my hair out of the way so Scott could easily clasp it around my neck. Once it was, he wrapped his strong arms around me and pushed a soft kiss to the side of my neck. I sigh contently, lying my head back on his shoulder.

"You know what I just realized?" I asked him. All I recieved as a reply was a muffled "hmff" as he pressed more gentle kisses to my neck. "We really can't make fun of those couples in movies anymore, we've turned into one".

"I don't mind" he told me, "not when I'm with you".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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