you need to tell us

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- Rey! Rey, wake up!- Poe almost screamed to Rey. Finn held her by the shoulders and Poe tried to wake her up by yelling. It was the third time in a week that they had to wake her from her dream because she was screaming. Neither of them understood what she said, but they heard every time only three words of what she said: "Ahch-To", "lying bastard" and a name that they didn't recognize, "Ben".

- What! What!- she finally said after opening her eyes. She was very pissed and with tears in her eyes that she dried very fast so Finn and Poe didn't notice.

- It's the third time this week, Rey. It's been six months since you left Ahch-To and every week we have to come because your screaming!- Finn said calmed but at the same time worried of her friend.

- It's nothing, just nightmares.- she said going up from her bed to the bathroom.

- Nightmares aren't just nothing, Rey. You need help, our help.-Poe said following her and holding her arms before she closed the door.

- Please, Rey. You can trust us.- Finn said walking up to them with a worried-mom face.

- I trust you, but this is something... complicated- Rey said trying to not be so mean by telling them they needed to let her alone.

- It's complicated for us too when we have to yell at you and almost throw you out the window so you can stop screaming.- poe said sarcastically.

- Screaming?- rey haven't realized that she was saying words out loud from her nightmares.

- Always the same words: "Ahch-To" "lying bastard" and "Ben".-Finn said. Poe finally let go of her arm and Rey shook it off as if it hurt.

- What?!- she looked confused- I- I need to take a shower. See you later.- Rey said trying to go to the bathroom again, but just as earlier, Poe held her before she could get there.

- First tell us whats going on.-He said looking as serious as possible.

- I don't think-you wouldn't understand- She said looking at there ground.

- Yes, we will.- they said at the same time. 

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