Book covers ★

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I love making covers for my books, but like... honestly... IM SO SHÎT AT IT! And the apps I use to create it are down right crap.

Well, I guess I could just not put a cover or add a simple photo, but one of the key things that makes people wanna click on your story is a nice cover. I can't just half ašs it, personally.

But like all the time and effort I put in isn't worth the result(to me).

One of my favorite covers, that I've made, I think, is my cover for King and Queen(I'll put a picture of it in the header). It's simple but it's well made, and I feel that the colors match. And the pictures of Lucy and Natsu(the characters) fit the theme(king and queen, etc) with their outfits. I remember when I first made this, I was so shook, and when I put it on the book I think someone commented that they like it, so I was like double shook, lol.

Maybe I would be more excited to make a cover if my "wattpad cover" app was working properly. Is it just me? The app won't let me change the color or font of my text. Like I've tried uninstalling, restarting my phone, etc.(but nothing works). It's as though Wattpad really wanna fight me(but when does it not).

Yeah, but I don't know if I'll make a cover for this "book". Even if I did what would it be? A stereotypical white male looking frustrated and then have a 😫 or 😤 emoji and the wattpad app symbol? Clickbait 10/10. W-wait! This isn't YouTube!

But yeah, if you got any dank ideas don't hesitate to speak em.

~Badlittle_Albatraoz Out!

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