Ch. 4

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I groaned and opened my eyes and immediately regretted it. I had a pounding headache and my stomach was in knots.

I threw my arm over my eyes and hit something hard. I peeked from around my arm and was met with a sleeping Curly. He looked so peaceful as he slept. Then I looked down and the covers weren't on him and he was butt ass naked. I looked down at myself and so was I.

There was dried blood and cum on his sheets, on his dick, and on me. I immediately started internally freaking out. I just lost my virginity. To someone I didn't even know. On my first time trying alcohol and getting drunk. I couldn't believe it.

I found my clothes tore to shreds except my leather jacket and shoes. I found a pair of Harry's sweats and a shirt of his and slipped them on and put on my shoes and my jacket and ran down stairs.

I wasn't looking where I was going and ran smack into Louis and El.

"I didn't know you stayed over!" El was excited I stayed over instead of leaving her.

"Wait did you come from Harry's room?" That was Louis, he had a genuine look in his eyes showing he was concerned. Tears welt up in my eyes and once they fell over the edge Louis and El pulled me into a hug.

"Come on lets go get you some breakfast honey."

I nodded and we all piled into Louis' car while he drove us to IHOP. I was busy looking out the window willing myself not to cry again. I was never like this. What had actually happened last night?

We got seated and ordered our food. We sat in silence until the food came and when it arrived I just played with mine, not really interested in eating it.

"Okay Rylan what's wrong? What happened?"

I sighed

"Well you know it was my first time drinking last night and first time getting drunk. I don't remember most of the night after arriving and taking the first couple of shots. Harry was staring at me all night and I remember dancing with El and then waking up this morning covered in my own blood and cum. It was everywhere on myself, harry and the bed. Not only that I'm sore as hell and have the worst hangover and I don't know what to do. It's embarrassing."

"Harry was your first time?"

I nodded and tears fell again.

"Wait you said you had cum all over you?"

"Y-yeah" I hiccupped trying to stop crying.

"Rylan this is serious. Did you see any condoms anywhere?"

I thought back to when I woke up and realized I didn't.

I started bawling like a baby and El pulled me into her chest and I looked at Louis who was clenching his jaw and his face was firm.

"I'm going to kill him El. Fucking kill him. I told him not to fuck with you and what does he do? It's about damn time he steps up and becomes a fucking man."

"Louis, please don't. I don't want anything to do with him anymore. Please don't even worry about it, it's fine. I'll be fine."

He sighed and rubbed his hands over his face and groaned.

I could tell he was still irritated when we left and I thanked him a bazillion times for paying for my food even though I didn't end up eating any of it. He dropped El and I off at my house and we spent the rest of the weekend curing our hangovers by stuffing our faces with everything we could find and watching sappy chick flicks.

"Hey El?"


"What if- ya know- i-"

I paused no I shouldn't even think like that.


"What if I end up pregnant?"

"Hey don't think like that. Think positive thoughts. Even so, if you do get pregnant that baby would be so fucking cute and I'd be it's beautiful god mother" she winked at me and I forced a laugh. She's right though.

The next three weeks passed rather quickly. I didn't see Harry after school much except a couple times and he completely ignored me, which was fine with me. I didn't want anything to do with him. I would catch him staring at me sometimes though.

Today is finally the weekend again and El and I are going shopping with Lou. Apparently he is very good at fashion.

"So ladiessss, anything special we are looking for on this mighty fine day?"

We giggled and looked at all the stores around us when a maternity store caught my eye.

"Hey El, what is today?"

"Uhm it's Valentines Day?"

She gave me a weird look and I counted the days in my head.


They both looked at me confused.

"28 days"

"28 days for what?"

I looked at her with tears in my eyes again.

"Since my last period."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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