Frozen Heart

139 4 3

Forgot to tell you that this switches POV's a bit so...yeah!



Opening my eyes, I found that the storm had stopped. The cold that crawled around my heart was nearly overwhelming and racked my body with shivers. When I looked up, I spotted Kristof several yards ahead of me. Relief washed over me. He saw me and started running across the ice to me.

"Kr-Kristof!" I stuttered through my shivers.

I struggled to move my numb and stiff limbs forward to meet him. He sped up as I struggled forward. After several dragging steps, I stumbled and he caught me.

"Anna! What happened? Why are you still-"

"Kr-Kristof!" I stuttered again. His name seemed to be the only thing I was capable of saying right now. He gave a big sigh of relief and crushed me too him.

"I'm here, Anna. We'll fix this. I promise."

As he continued to hold me the numb feeling intensified. I cried out and I dropped to the ground. I could feel the ice solidifying around my heart and spread through my body.

"Anna! Anna!"

I heard Kristof's worried voice above me. I stilled as I gave up the fight. The cold was too much I couldn't...fight. I breathed out a sigh and closed my numb eyelids.

"Th-thank y-y-you Kristof," I said to the darkness.

"Don't thank me yet," he begged in a thick voice. "I'm going to fix this. So please stay awake!" He pleaded.

"T-take care. Of. My...sister. Please," I struggled to form the words as the darkness started to freeze over. But at this point I couldn't feel anything else.

"But I don't understand. Didn't you kiss Hans?"

"Not. True. Love. I. Don't. Know. What. Love. Is." I was fading in and out. I couldn't focus on his voice. He said something but I could not hear him.

The ice in my chest shot through my body, freezing my limbs stopped before it reached my fingertips. A burning warmth melted the ice in my heart and shot through my body. I slowly relaxed into the frozen ground beneath me as the warmth burned through the numb cold, thawing my frozen heart.

"Anna? Anna!?"

I fluttered my eyelids open to Kristof's worried face.

"Shhh. Let me sleep." I slurred. The warmth was like a pillow. Even the cold ground didn't bother me. I wasn't dying and the relief was exhausting. I had to sleep.

"Your hair! It's turning back!" Kristof exclaimed, relief in his voice. I raised a weak arm to cover his mouth.

"Sleep." I mumbled. He chuckled and lifted me up into his arms. I curled into him ready to sleep. He started forward in what I assumed was the direction of the castle.

"I love you Anna," he murmured.

"I know," I sighed and I could feel his grin. Suddenly, he stopped walking.

"Is that...Elsa?" Kristof said in surprise. At the sound of her name my eyes snapped open. I quickly looked to where Kristof was looking. Elsa was on the ground, her back turned and Hans was behind her, a sword poised for the kill. My eyes widened in horror. I scrambled to get out of Kristof's arms and to my sister.

"Elsa!" I screamed. Her head snapped up and she turned to look directly at me.

Comment please!!!!!

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