Final - Rehearse and Improv

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The first big change Beach City experienced was its new mayor.

Jamie decided he wanted to be there for the debate, to see what Dewey would say in his defense and what solutions and rebuttals Nanefua would offer. Sadie would be taking her break from work to watch it as well. If Jamie wanted to attend, he'd need to finish his route early, though.

When Barbara brought over the food that night, she and Sadie both tried to convince him to stay home just one more day, but he'd held his ground on the stance. If Sadie was already back to work, then he should be too. He loved his job, and it would also provide a way to ask everyone around town how they were doing.

Kevin had been present when Barbara and Sadie came over - it had been by Kevin's own suggestion and insistence that he stay another night, just for Jamie's sake. He didn't want to leave him alone too soon before he was ready again.

The offer had been so heartening to Jamie, he almost didn't know what to say. Thankfully the kiss he'd given Kevin seemed to convey his thankfulness well enough.

That morning as he got ready for work, with his now newly sewn back together mailbag, complimentary from Barbara, he'd been careful not to wake Kevin, who'd passed out on the couch. It must have been so different than how he was used to sleeping, given his expensive tastes, but he hadn't complained, surprisingly. Though he had cheekily suggested they share Jamie's bed, which the young actor was quick to inform him would not be big enough, so to get the thought out of his head.

It hadn't stopped Kevin's pouting, though.

Still, Jamie had been overjoyed to have him stay over again, and he trusted leaving Kevin alone in his apartment as he prepared to leave, though not before checking on him one last time, making sure the quilt usually folded over the back of his couch was draped warmly over Kevin's sleeping frame and pressing a feather light kiss to his cheek.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky overhead, making the sea glitter like diamonds as Jamie began to make his way over to Steven's house for his first delivery. Down on the far end of the shore, Jamie could see the stage being set up for the debate later that afternoon. They had revamped the Beach-A-Palooza stage for the occasion, he noted.

At first, Jamie was fine. Nothing was wrong. But the nearer he became to Steven's house, with the stretch of white beach laid out before him like a winding path, the more aware he became of a deep sense of unease beginning to creep up his spine.

He pushed forward, ignoring the feeling as best he could, but it persisted. Until only a few minutes later he was frozen to the spot, completely unable to move.

Unknowingly, he'd begun to twist at the strap on his bag once more, and he became aware an acute tightness in his chest.

His breathing began to falter, coming out in shallow pants while his heart beat grew irregular. That sickly sense of nausea returned, as well as the unwelcomed lightheadedness, and a cold sweat began to trickle down his back despite the blistering heat of the sun.

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