Return to Sender

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Jamie never texted Kevin after work.

In fact, Kevin hadn't heard from the mailman all day, and it kind of threw him off. Over the past few weeks, their texts had become part of his routine, and Kevin had begun to look forward to hearing from Jamie more and more. Even over the phone, he was just as cute and funny.

Today especially Kevin had been eager to hear from him. No, using 'eager' sounded too needy. Was 'impatient' any better?

Either way, Kevin had been waiting around for Jamie's message that he was done with work for hours. He'd said he'd try to get off early, after all, so what gives?

After last night, 'early' couldn't come fast enough.

Last night, the kiss - God, that kiss. It had been a spur of the moment thing, with Kevin acting only on impulse and desire. But lord help him, he couldn't remember the last time he'd wanted to kiss someone that badly, or when a kiss had left him feeling quite like that.

Not even with...

Anyways, the point was Kevin had been left in anticipation all day for a response that never came, and the day long silence from Jamie was so unusual for him. And silence didn't sit well with Kevin - generally, that was a sign that he'd done something wrong.

That couldn't be it, though. What could he possibly have done wrong? Last night had been fantastic; so had the last few weeks, for that matter. But that was just to be expected when you were dating perfection.

The only hiccup had been during the drive home... Oh.

Would that be enough to make Jamie pull back?

Kevin hadn't gone out of Beach City that day like he frequently did - he'd been anticipating seeing Jamie again too much to bother going anywhere else. But with the day half over, and it being later than when the mailman usually finished his route, Kevin wasn't sure what to make of the lack of responses. He did have one option left - go visit him in person.

He'd probably just forgotten his phone at home, Kevin thought as he got into his car. True, Jamie was usually very careful about making sure he had everything he needed before leaving his apartment, but everyone had an off day.

Kevin liked to imagine Jamie had been too distracted thinking about last night to notice he'd left his phone. It had damn sure been on his mind well into the night.

The drive to Jamie's apartment was one Kevin was comfortably familiar with, but that didn't stop a sense of unease from creeping up on him. He ignored it easily - it was nothing, just nerves. What had happened in the car ride last night had been forgotten soon after, that couldn't be why Jamie wasn't responding. He'd just left his phone at home...

Kevin spun his car keys around his finger casually as he began the trip up to Jamie's apartment on the second floor, running his hand through his hair as he reached the landing and strolled over to his door. He knocked briefly before resting one hand on the wall and the other on his waist, smiling expectantly.

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