The Party part 1

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   After Jimin sent me a friend request I decided to lay down and go to sleep, I couldn't handle all the excitement my body was feeling. I've never formally met him, yet he makes me feel as if my world can come crashing down at any moment to the faults of his beautiful eyes.

   I woke up the the sounds of my ringtone. Who would be calling me at 8:00 in the morning?

   It was my mom.

Mom: Good morning Asia!
Asia: Good morning Mama
Mom: so, I was calling to tell you that I'm gonna be away for a while.
Asia: what do you mean for a while? Where are you going? For how long?
Mom: woah woah, calm down sweetie. It's only for 3 weeks. And the reason being is because I'm going to Germany and assisting airplanes. I'll be working jobs back to back, so all the staff decided to get a hotel down there. I'm on my way to the house right now to pack my bags, love.
Asia: alright mama, I love you.
Mom: I love you too baby.

   My mom did travel a lot, but she only went to other countries like once or twice in her whole career. But that was when my dad was around. So, I guess I'll be home a lone for a while.

   After my mom got here, she decided to make her and I a nice lunch before she left. She made grilled cheese, rice, and vegetable soup. As she's cooking I sing along to the kitchen radio that's playing my favorite song, Bite by Troye Sivan.

*So kiss me on the mouth and set me free, sing me--

   The doorbell rings, it's Jungkook. My mom decided that he would stay for lunch, so we all sat down at the table and ate.

   "So Asia, the reason I came was because I wanted to invite you to a party." Jungkook says, stuffing his face with food. I almost spit at the fact that he invited me, because if he's there, Jimin will be there. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as I became red. Thinking of the possibilities that I could run into Jimin, my mom gave me a reassuring nod. I didn’t respond to Jungkook, so my mother did for me.

   “of course she will go! She doesn’t have any plans.” My mom says with a subtle smile..

  “great!” Jungkook says happily.

   “thanks mom.” I mumble to myself. Before we began to clean up our meal, jungkooks phone rang. Just before taking the call he thanked my mom for the meal.

   “Thank you Ms. Frey for the delicious meal. And Asia, the party s tomorrow at 8:30. Jimin and I will pick you up.” He said with a cute smile. With him saying this I began to freak out!

   “what do you mean ‘pick me up’? It won’t be at your house? Where is the party at?” I asked nervously

   “don’t worry Asia, it will be a surprise. And plus, gracie will be there.” He said getting overly excited, he began to blush. Jungkook likes Gracie, a lot.

   “anyways, I’ve gotta take this. Ill text you later hun.”

   after Jungkook left I slowly turned my head to my mom with my mouth open. I couldn’t believe my mom just volunteered me to go to a party, and we don’t even know the location.

   later that night, my mom left around 6:30. The sun was setting and there was a nice breeze outside, so I decided to go up into my room open up my windows, play music and think about what I would wear to the party.

   as I am dancing around my room in just a sports bra and a pair of blue shorts, I notice a dark silhouette standing with there arms crossed in jimins backyard. I move closer to my window to investigate this figure, my stomach dropped as I realized it was Jiimin. He was watching me dance around my room, and sing like an idiot. My heart was in my throat and my stomach was in my butt. I was so embarrassed that I couldn’t move, I stood there staring at him smirking at me. I then realized I wasn’t breathing, I took a sharp breath in and before I could speak, he did.

   “you’ve got some moves there, Asia.” He said with a cocky smile that belongs on only his face. I was going through a loss of words at that moment, I could help but to nervously laugh like an idiot.

   “I hope you will be dancing like that at the party, thats a scene id like to witness.” He said biting his lip. I couldn’t believe it, Park Jimin was actually flirting with me.

   I finally gained enough confidence to speak, “well, if thats what you’d like to see. Then thats what you will be seeing.” I said looking down shyly.

  “wow, I like it. Very bold. I dig it.” he said giving me a cocky laugh. He began to walk away, but just before he disappeared in to his home he stopped and turned to me.

  “oh, and Asia. Wear something sexy.” He said giving me a wink. I count believe  my ears or eyes. My heart was racing thinking about the words that left his lips. I couldn’t help but to think about his sexy raspy tone. i ran back to my bed and screamed happily into my pillow. 

   “I can’t wait until gracie comes over tomorrow!” I said thinking out loud.


Soooo, yes. I I know that this is a longer chapter but I worked really hard on it and I hope you like it I'm starting to really like this Asia character let me know how you feel about Asia's character and jimin's character leave some comments I'll be sure to read them and I'll reply

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