15. Duet... Sort of

Comincia dall'inizio

Kara thought about what Alex was telling her. She feared it was too late, and still had he doubts. She wasn't sure if she was willing to risk it. She also had her job, her super hero duty. It was sure a lot for a long distance relationship thing. It was for the best, she thought to herself.

Alex got up to pick another glass of wine when a weird figure showed up on Kara's living room, out of nowhere.

- What do you want? – Kara asked, prepared to fight – Who are you?

- Stop right there, or I will shoot you! – Alex pointed her gun to him.

The guy just smiled at them. He wore a suit and tie, all black and white and had dark curled hair and hypnotic green eyes. It was like he was out of this world. He showed Kara's extrapolator on his hands and Kara looked confused at him. Her device was on her room, how it was on his hands right now? He looked deeply into her eyes and Kara felt dizzy, falling down, with Alex running to catch her on time.

- I'm going to hunt the Emerald Archer now! See ya! – He laughed almost like he was singing and pressed the extrapolator, vanishing from their Earth.

- What the... - Alex murmured as she looked worried at Kara.

She thought about what she said and had a pretty good idea of where that weird went. She called J'onn and took Kara to the DEO so they could bring Kara to the only place that could help Kara and help find that lunatic, to fix her.

- Let's bring you to Earth 1, Supergirl!

Bright lights.

A piano playing in the background.

Where the heck was she?

Kara looked around, blinking twice as she felt confused as ever. She remembered talking to her sister, and then a weird figure showed up and now there she was. In a strange place and what she was wearing? She thought after taking a look at her reflection on a mirror in front of her. It was a beautiful black and beige dress, it sparkled so much it almost blinded her. And her hair was so beautiful, falling in curls and it looked like she was from the 20's.

- It's your turn, GO! – A young woman told her, hurrying her up to go behind a curtain.

Kara was not sure what she was talking about but went along with it. Once she stepped out of the curtains she noticed she was on a stage, with mic standing in front of her. The place was crowded, it looked like a fancy restaurant inside a theatre. The lights were so bright she could barely see their faces, but she knew they all were staring. The piano started and Kara felt glad she knew the song, so she started singing.

- "Moon river..."

Her voice was soft and evolving. She felt weird at first but then she felt comfortable, like she was meant to do this. It felt like she was used to it, being on stage and performing in front of people. That was fun, she thought when she sang the last part of the song. That was when the lights were not so bright anymore and she could see everyone looking at her like they were hypnotized. She looked further and her eyes went wide as she finished the song.

Oliver Queen was there.

The Green Arrow.

The guy that had kissed her a few months ago, the one that thought it was worth it to try long distance relationships. The one she had a huge crush on, the one who had the best kiss...


She blushed hard, feeling really nervous. He saw her, he heard her singing and he had the same mesmerized look on his face and a beautiful smile.

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