His hands started strumming the melody, and I was captivated my his amazing skills, and began to sing quietly along, adjusting my lyrics to fit the tune.

At the end of the long day
I was pacing back and forth on the street
Out of the sprouting emptiness
I started to hum that song without knowing
As if I'm desperately calling out to you
You used to make me listen to that song
Saying it's the best song in the world
We listened to it together, this sad song
This song we listened to every day
It makes me think of you
Because it sounds like our story
No matter how hard I try to cover my ears
It spins around me
I don't wanna hear it, I throw a fit
But I hear it every day
Even after time, I didn't forget this song
Each lyric, each melody is still so clear
I used to practice alone everyday so I could sing it for you

I trailed off as he stopped strumming, our eyes meeting. I stared into his brown orbs, his staring into my chocolate ones. Before anything could happen, applause broke out around us. We were so zoned out that we hadn't even noticed everyone was watching us. I blushed crimson, and saw Tae looked pretty red too. "Awesome boys!" The teacher grinned at us, I glanced at Tae nervously, and he smiled a small rectangular smile at me.

Ring. The school bell rang, announcing the end of class. Everyone gave a final cheer and left. I stood, gathering up my loose papers and pens, when I felt hands on my waists. "I never knew you were such a good writer, Kookie," Taehyung whispered in his deep voice, "you should look into it as a career. I felt heat rush to my face, and whispered back, "thanks, and you were amazing too." His grip on my waist tightened for a split second before letting go, just in time for Jimin to run up and jump-hug me. I giggled as he yelled in my ear, "you guys were so good! I had no idea you were such a good singer!" I thanked him humbly, and I saw Taehyung duck his head shyly as Yoongi came over to ruffle his hair. I softly pushed the small male off me, and I walked over to Yoongi and Tae. "Were we ok?" I asked, I hadn't felt like we were that great, and I felt Taehyung give me a comforting nudge. "Don't worry, you guys were awesome." He smiled and winked at Taehyung causing him to blush. Huh, weird. Probably nothing.

"Let's eat!" Jimin yelled, he ran out the doorway, closely followed by a Yoongi smiling a wide gummi smile. I smiled and followed behind them, holding my books. As we were walking to the cafeteria, I slipped, and struggled under the weight of my heavy books. I felt a sturdy pair of arms catch me, and my heart fluttered. "You need help with your books?" Before I could say anything, Taehyung had already taken them out of my arms, and added them to his pile. I thanked him shyly, and grinned at him. What a gentleman. He's handsome, intelligent, kind, and a gentleman? Hot damn. "Thanks," He said, winking at me. I immediately covered my mouth, realizing with embarrassment that I had said that out loud. Why, cruel world. I chuckled nervously, and quickly headed over to the table.

"Hey guys!" Jin greeted us warmly, beaming at us. "Why are you so happy?" Taehyung asked, confused. Jin laughed, "It's Valentine's Day, sillies! Haven't you guys seen any of the decorations plastered all over the school?" I looked around, and realized there were red and pink hearts all over, along with ribbons, hung about.

"Oh, happy Valentine's Day guys," I said, looking at Tae. He smiled back at me, and jumped into an embrace. "Happy Val's Day Jungkookie!" He beamed at me, and I enjoyed the warmth radiating from his chest. He snuggled his face into the crook of my neck, and i breathed in his sweet scent. As he loosened his grip, his lips brushed my cheek, and I instantly felt my face burn. He smiled nervously at me, and I grinned back, my heart still racing from our interaction.

As we pulled away, I caught Jin's eye and he winked at me, mouthing "you guys are so fucking adorable" at me. I blushed and shook my head, looking away. "Hey, you guys wanna go out tonight? Since it's Valentine's Day and all that," Yoongi asked. Everyone looked over at him, bewildered that he had feelings. (I'm sorry yoongs ilysm hehe)

"Awwww, look, my boyfriend's acting like a human being!" Jimin said, jumping into Yoongi's annoyed arms. We all gathered our things, and left to eat out.

"Annyeonghaseyo, welcome to Kim's Bistro, how many?" The waitress greeted us warmly as we stepped into the cozy restaurant. "Six, could we sit in a booth please?" Jin asked. "Sure, follow me." She picked up six menus and gestured for us to follow. We stopped at a three-chair booth in the corner. "Your waiter will be here shortly," she said, walking away. Namjoon and Jin sat together in one chair, Yoongi and Jimin in another. I blushed and sat down on the small booth chair next to Taehyung. Too small. I felt his warm thigh against mine, and I shivered, a weird bubbly feeling in my stomach.

~taehyung pov~

We ordered, thanking the waiter as he left. I felt Kookie yawn next to me, and he blinked tiredly. I turned to Jin, who was asking about English homework, when I felt Jungkook lay his head on my shoulder. My face immediately burned with heat, and I looked down nervously, careful not to wake Kookie. I looked over at him slightly, and his eyes were closed, lips parted slightly. I smiled at how adorable he looked when he was asleep, but was interrupted by the waiter, dropping off our meals.

Jungkook immediately woke up at the sound of the waiter's voice, and he lifted his head off my shoulder, blushing a deep red. I pouted subconsciously, but stopped when I saw the look Jimin gave me. He smiled mischievously at me, and I shooed him a playful shake of my head.

Once the waiter left, small bubbles of conversation sprung up, and I felt Jungkook scoot a little closer, and I leaned on him a little, showing it was ok.

Baby, if only you knew what you do to me.

A/N: 1800 words yus. Sorry this was supposed to go out yesterday hence the whole Valentine's Day thing lol. <3

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