I leaned my forehead against the glass and tried to focus on a familiar woman.

Is that-

"Mr. G-Dragon?"

I turned around to see my Chinese tutor and cursed under my breath.

Damn, now I'll never know.

"Right." I followed her as she flirted furiously the whole time.

She doesn't even know my real name, tsk, gold diggers.


It was extremely late when I got back to the Big Bang apartment, everyone was asleep and I stepped out to the balcony for some fresh air.

I wish Celia was here like that last time...

I looked back at the quiet living room and sighed deeply.

God, I miss her.

I want her here with me!

Without thinking, I called her just to hear her voicemail.

After a couple of rings, I expected her sweet voice to say 'sorry, you probably got the wrong person.' So I could be amused at her poor imitation of someone else; but to my disbelief, she actually answered.


"..." My eyes widened as my tired throat chocked up nothing. My hands shook and I nearly dropped my phone.

"Did you seriously just butt-dialed me?" She sounded annoyed but not all that irritated.

I gulped down and answered in an unexpected whisper.

"I didn't know you'd answer."

There was a tense silence as I felt my rapid heart beat against my chest.

"Well I saw you calling me earlier today... I was working."

"Same." I didn't want her to go into another silence so I asked a question right away.

"How was work?" She giggled after we said the same thing at the same time.

God, damn... We're meant to be.

I leaned my arms against the balcony fence as my body slowly melted from her laughs.

"Ladies first." I closed my eyes to concentrate my senses only on her.

She's not angry, that's always reassuring.

"Now you're being a gentlemen? Well I hope you know, your kiss marks took layers of makeup to cover."

I chuckled and half wished she wouldn't cover them for all the people to see she's mine.

"It was a gift for the world."

"What world?"

"My world."

I could almost feel her blush when she got what I meant.

"You... You perv!"

"You already knew that long before you meet me." I would wink just to see her fuss more, but hearing her shuffle works too.

"I, I have work early tomorrow, so I can't talk for long."

"I know, I'm just glad to hear your voice after all."

"... I-"

"I love you." I beat her to the punch as she chuckled out the same.

"Haha, goodnight."

"Will you call me when you're free?"

"If I'm free that is."


"... What about texting?"

"Too risky." I admitted one of the many reasons and she sighed.

"I know you just wanted to hear my voice."

"Ha, you got me." I grinned and heard her stiffing a laugh.

"Well I gotta go perv, I'll tell you what happened next time."

"Alright... Goodnight babe." I smiled even though I don't want the call to end, but, I have to get ready for bed myself.

It was too bad that Celia didn't tell me how the plan went today, I guess she's taking it slow...

Poor angel, I'm a sinner for being too selfish and greedy.

I haven't told anyone, but I actually enjoyed the scandals of being with a beautiful model.

This plan wasn't just for our sake, but also for my name.

I mean, who wouldn't want to be rumored as Celia Roselia's boyfriend? Especially if it's true.

{CyberStar} G-Dragon Fanfiction (GD x OC)Where stories live. Discover now