Chapter 9: The Man behind it all

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You were walking home from after school activities with your brother, Nightcrawler when you heard a strange sound coming from behind you and you turned around to see a car that looked like it has been moved slightly
Nightcrawler: Problem?
Y/N: No I swore I heard something but I guees not
In Magneto's castle
Mystique rushed into the throne room with anger
Mystique: Magneto!
Sabertooth: He's not here!
Mystique: Where is he?!
Sabertooth: He's out! What has got you mad?
Mystique: I want to know why  I'm not allowed to go and kill him yet, its been 3 weeks!
Sabertooth: Magneto is busy!
Mystique: With what?!
At the Institute
Emma: Are they back yet?
Rogue: No! Why wasn't he with you?
Emma: He had some after school activities with Nightcrawler
Rogue: Oh!
Wolverine: Where is the kid?
Rogue: At school!
Wolverine: Why?
Emma: After school activities!
With you and your brother
You and your brother were walking when all of a sudden all the cars around you started to violently shaking and the both of you panicked
Nightcrawler: There is only one mutant that I know of that can do this...Magneto!
Suddenly the cars started flying upwards and the two of you gazed up and saw Magneto
Magneto: Yes, it is I, Magneto! You boy! *points to you* You have caused a lot of trouble for my fellow mutants
You quickly teleported behind him but a car was flung into you knocking you out
Nightcrawler: Brother! Damn you!
Nightcrawler teleported closer to Magneto but he flung the rest of the cars at him and he teleported out of the way of every CST and by the time he did, you and Magneto were gone
Nightcrawler: Brother!!
He teleported his way to the institute and ran into the kitchen catching everyone's eyes
Emma: Nightcrawler? Where's Y/N?
Wolverine: What happened?
Nightcrawler: Magneto.....has him!
Everyone: What!
Wolverine: X-men move out
Prof X: Wait Logan!
Wolverine: Why?
Prof X: You don't even know where he is?
Wolverine: I have to try! The kid could die!
Prof X: If Magneto wanted him dead than he would have just killed him straight away
Rogue: So what we just stay here?!
Prof X: No we must split up to check Magneto's 3 castle's, me, Wolverine and Emma will go east, Nightcrawler, Storm and Rogue go west and Jean, Cyclops and Kitty will go south
Wolverine: You heard the professor, move out!
X-men: Yes!
At one of Magneto's castles
You were laying in a cage and you woke up
Y/N: Where am I?
Mystique: Why didn't you just kill him?
Magneto: He is important!
Mystique: For what?
Magneto: In time, I will tell but right now, he's waking up
You tried teleporting but it didn't work
Magneto: I'm afraid all mutant abilities are disabled by that collar your wearing
You look down at the collar around your neck ( Realistically you probably couldn't look down at your neck but screw logic)
Y/N: What do you want from me?
Magneto: I want you to join us!
Mystique: What!
Y/N: I'll never join you!
Magneto: You will! *smirks*
Final part coming soon

Emma Frost x Nightcrawler male readerWhere stories live. Discover now