I looked around the room, then started unzipping my suitcases. I put my folded clothes on the shelves on the closet. I put my toothbrush and stuff in the bathroom that's connected to the room I'm in. I sat my laptop and robot stuff on the empty desk. After I got everything situated, I texted my friends to tell them that I made it.

Me: Hey guys, I'm in America now.

Kimmie: Omg!! Mina! It's been like forever!

Ji su: Geez girl, as if she hasn't spoken to you in a week or something.

Jay: Ikr.

Kimmie: Oh be quiet you two! I'm just letting Mina know how much I miss her already.

Jay: Yeah.. In a very dramatic way.

Kimmie: Don't even start Jay, you still know what happened last night do you?

Jay: Yeah, yeah.. And btw my head still hurts.

Ji su: Well you kinda had it coming..

Kimmie: Exactly!

Jay: Ji su, exactly who's side are you on?

Ji su: Umm.... my own?

Kimmie: ..... fair enough.

Me: Wow...

Ji su: Yeah.. I had to deal with these 5 year olds all night.

Jay: Hey! 

Kimmie: Hey! I am not a 5 year old!

Ji su: Oh be quiet.

Kimmie: Make me.

Ji su: I rest my case..

Me: Omg.. XD

Ji su: Aaanywayss.. How's America so far?

Me: Good so far.. Host parents seem pretty nice, gonna go check out the school in a little so I know what I'm doing tomorrow.

Kimmie: Ooh nice.

Me: Yeah..

"Mi na! It's time to go to the school!" Mrs. Baker called.

Me: Gtg.. time to go see the school.

Kimmie: Alright cya later.

Ji su: Cya.

Jay: Cya around

I got off the bed and walked downstairs where my host parents were waiting.

"Excited to see the school?" Mrs. Baker asked.

I nodded.

"Alright let's go." She said.

Mrs. Baker got in the car and told me I can sit in the front, since Mr. Baker's staying home.
She started the car and pulled out the driveway.

"Alright, so during weekdays.. We both get off of work kinda late, so you'll have to walk home after school, but the school isn't far from our house, so you shouldn't have to worry about walking a long distance." Mrs. Baker said.

"Okay." I said.

"We'll also give you a copy of the house key so you can get inside, and you'll have to save the address into your phone so you won't get lost." Mrs. Baker said.

"Alright, I will." I said.

Soon we pulled into the high school's parking lot. The building was pretty decent in size, I hope there's not a lot of bullies here..

We walked into the school and into the principal's office where the principal and some teachers were getting work prepared for school tomorrow. The principal saw us walk in and smiled.

"Well there's our exchange student!" She said and I slightly smiled, slightly waving.

"I believe you'll fit in here just fine in no time." The principal said.

"Are you ready to meet your teachers?" She asked and I nodded.

"Alright, your first teacher will be your homeroom." She said as she handed Mrs. Baker the teacher list with directions to get to the classrooms.

After visiting every teacher I had, we talked to the principal again then left to go home. On the way home, we stopped at a pizza place to pick up a pizza for dinner. I ate my pizza up in my room while I watched Tv.

I was a little nervous about tomorrow. I never went to a school in America nor even been to America anyways. Mrs. Baker said I'll do fine and the principal said I'll fit right in, in no time.

I hope they're right...

I threw my paper plate in my trashcan by my night stand when I finished my pizza. I spent a little while texting my parents. They asked me how was the flight... and how did the school seem.. and they told me that they miss me already.

I really did miss them too. Soon Mrs. Baker came to my room and told me that it was time to go to bed since I have school tomorrow. I said goodnight to my parents and friends, then went to sleep.

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