"Would you take the monster's place Miss Perrin and give your life so this monster could live?" 

"I hide behind a fake name and a painful smile...I am already dead. But killing me won't stop him." I state. He moves to the chair and watches me. His eyes narrow slightly but he remains quiet.


I sit and stare at this girl. She is a mystery to me. Earlier, I sat in my office and stared at the love video feed from my computer. I watched the pain sweep across her face as her tears began to flow. I hated how that shit made me feel. So I decided to let her see my face. 

She has so much sadness. The air is thick with it. I register the fear on her face. I remind myself that I can't f*ckin' fix her. She's so naive. I'm a killer. I end peoples problems with a bullet through the head. But I know killing her wont satisfy the man who hired me to kill her father. 

When I woke up beside her this morning I pulled myself out of the bed quietly. I wanted to look at her. Her face had yellowing bruises on it. Her arms had fingerprint bruises on them as well. She is tiny. I wonder when the last time was that she ate a f*ckin' meal. 

One thing keeps running through my mind. She is beautiful. I hope that f*cker didn't touch her. If he stole her innocence than killing him wont be enough. I don't torture but I would make an exception for this f*cking monster. 

I snap back to reality when I see her watching me intently. I know she's waiting for me to speak.

"Miss Perrin. I am not going to kill you. I will not inflict pain on an innocent for the sins of another. You have my word." I see the slight relief but she quickly tries to hide it.

"However, we both know you are a part of this...situation. I cannot simply let you go free and return to the monster and flee." I lean forward and touch my fingertips together. " I don't like when my plans are altered." I say more to myself then to her.

"If you intend to hand me over to the bad men or sell me then I would rather you kill me." She says through tears. What in the f*ck? She thinks I'm going to turn her out or sell her off to some f*cker? I calm my seething anger as best I can. 

"I will not give you over to anyone. You are mine. You will answer to me and only me and I promise to protect you from the damage done by your father!" I grit out the words and watch her flinch. I didn't mean to frighten her but she needs to understand that I may kill people but I do not watch innocent people get hurt.

"Do you understand me Miss Perrin?" I ask. My tone gentler. It sounds foreign to me.

"Yes. Thank you." She says through pleading eyes. 

"What will you do with me?" She asks me nervously. 

I contemplate my words. I intended to use her as leverage but now I am uncertain. I give her the simplest answer I can come up with.

"You will stay here until I say otherwise." She nods. 

Once again her sadness pains me.  She is full of fear and sadness but I do not think she know what I am capable of or maybe she doesn't care. When I carried her to my car, I felt her give up. She expected to die but instead she got...Death. She should be scared. Killing her would have been easier for both of us but she deserves a life.

I stare at her bony arms and legs. She needs to eat. I remind myself that I am not a monster and I can at least try to take care of this girl. It's not her fault that a**hole did this to her.

"All right Gray Perrin. Let's get some breakfast. Are you hungry?" I ask. I'm glad to change the subject. I watch her smile and it takes my breath away. It also does other things to my member straining behind my zipper.

Retribution for HerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt