CHAPTER 91: Ootoro!!!

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Right along the way, Inui was shocked to meet up with the other Fujioka twin and that one has Mizuki Hajime right under the same predicament that Inui is in.

As the twins led the two of them to who-knows-where, Mizuki and Inui whispered at each other.

"Got any idea what they want from us?" Mizuki said.

"No. Not at all." Inui answered.

"Don't worry." The twins said simultaneously as they overheard the words, swerving their silver heads over their shoulders. "We don't bite." They added, grinning.

Mizuki and Inui didn't know whether to laugh uncomfortably or try to escape and run to the opposite direction as fast as they can.


Ryouko stared at the open grounds, watching the small figures of people work on the preparations for the event. She made Ichidou and Licht help out, saying that they should at least show some effort in return for arriving there without notice. Thinking that she has a point, they went out to the grounds, on the condition that Ryouko will stay on where they left her and stay out of trouble.

Actually, Ryouko also brought up that topic because Ichidou had been gazing at the other guys enviously for quite a while. He probably wanted to join in the fun. When she told him to go, he pretended to be hesitant but Ryouko can already see the excited glint in his green eyes. He's just so dang easy to read.

And so, Ryouko sat on the wheelchair and stared ahead, boredom evident in her eyes, listening to the night noises. She felt mentally tired from all the happenings that day. Some physical work might help but Ichidou and Licht would probably flip if she does that. There's no need to work them up further.

As she sighed, feeling quite empty with the solitude, she looked at both sides, checking for the presence of people. When she became sure that no one is watching, she got off the wheelchair and gleefully stretched her legs and arms.

"Geez. How can someone endure being in that thing for a day?" She said, giving the wheelchair a begrudging kick as if it was the one who forced her to sit all day.

"Why are you bullying wheelchair? It did nothing bad to you." A familiar voice said from nearby.

Her neck swerved to the source and she saw Ryoma walking towards her, carrying a big white plastic bag.

"What's in there?" Ryouko asked.

"Barbecue sticks and eating utensils." Ryoma answered. "What's with you? Why are you moping here alone? I thought your cousins are not going to let you out of their sight until they leave..." He added as he threw the plastic bag to the wheelchair's seat.

Ryouko snorted. "That's just all talk. The twins are out to have some fun with the seniors. Kikumaru-senpai, Fuji-senpai and Momo-senpai are already on the same page as they are. As expected of those social butterflies. I chased away Ichi and Licht and had them help the others. Ichidou went without a hitch. I'll bet you he's also itching to have some fun." She said and casted a knowing glance at him. "I'm not the center of their world, unlike someone in here always implies."

Ryoma made a face. "Yea, whatever you think." He eyed her from head to toe. "Is it alright for you to be standing and walking around?"

"Geez, Ryoma, not you too..." Ryouko said in a complaining tone. "I'm not a freaking cripple."

"Hey, I'm just asking. Don't get mad." Ryoma answered.

All of a sudden, he walked closer to her. He made her face him and placed both hands on her shoulders.

"Oi." Ryouko said, blinking.

"Let me just look at you for a sec." Ryoma said and brushed a leaf that had fallen on her head. He became quiet for a second and simply looked at her.

Tennis no Ojou-sama: A Prince of Tennis Fan FictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz