Dieciocho: Namjin

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Jin's POV:

I moaned as Joon suck and bit onto my neck. The knife I was chopping radishes with fell from my hand onto the chopping board.

Since we talked the last few days things have become better between us, hotter even.

He makes me moan like a bitch in heat. All the time. But we've not gone further than making out. Everytime we almost were about to have sex, I - I- I couldn't. I just I don't know what happens. It hurt, I couldn't forget.

I know it saddens him but he understands that. He hasn't pushed me since then. He pulls away before it gets too heated. I'm grateful to him for that. Most would have left if they didn't get action or cheated but Joonie my Joonie. Always so mature, understanding.

I know he blames himself but it's done now. Hurting yourself won't help. He doesn't listen though.

I ground my ass against his crotch. He hisses but pulls back. Like I said he's been holding back, a frown tugs at my lips. He sensually bites onto my earlobe making me moan and throw my head back on his shoulder in pleasure.

“Tsk Tsk... Spare the food.” a voice says and I turn to look at the intruder.

Namjoon glares at Tae. “Fuck off.” he sneers making Tae snicker.

We all know that I'm not going to continue and that upsets Joon. He's totally swearing Taehyung out.

“Aww hyung! How does it feel when you go from rock hard to limp?” Tae teases obviously looking for some time pass. And by time pass I mean-
“Say that again you pimp! I fucking dare you!” Namjoon threatens before lunging forward. And I watch Tae running around shaking his ass at Joon telling him he can't catch him and if this was a cartoon there'd be steam coming out off his ears.

I feel arms wrap around me and I turn and kiss my youngest baby's head.

“Eomma..” he says sleepily and I chuckle. It's been a while since Kookie called me that.

A few days after that day ( the day Kookie stormed out being rude to me) I found him lurking shadily at the entrance of the kitchen.

“Kook? Baby-is that you?” I asked.

“Jin hyung..” he said entering the kitchen.

“Yes love? Why are you up so late?” I asked looking at my phone, 3 am.

“U-uhm. I- I wanted to talk.” he said.

“Hey what's wrong? You know you can tell me right? I'm always here for you! You don't have to fear anyone or anything, you can tell me! If someone hurt you I will beat them to death with my favourite spatula-” I rambled and he cut me off.

Jinnie hyungie stop!” he said.

Well, my mind tends to assume the worst. “I just wanted to apologize, I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you that day.” he said surprising me.

“Speaking of which, why were you mad at me?” I asked gently.

He looked around frowning before biting his lip and then licking his lips, a nervous habit I've noticed. Then he said, very carefully, as if treading on the topic, “I was mad- no actually I was hurt, you didn't tell us about your relationship with Namjoon hyung. Like I thought you needed some time and time was given, but we waited and waited for you to tell us but you didn't-”

I froze, “kookie-” so he knew.

“No hyungie, I understand it's just that it hurts that you don't trust us- no I'll speak for myself- you don't trust me enough to tell me about something so important. What could you have possibly thought? We'd judge you? Make fun of you? We'd be disgusted? I don't know what you thought and if you thought something like that, I don't know what to say to you because after everything we've been through, you'd think that less of me? It hurts. I kept dropping hints you know? I kept wondering when you'd tell me but you didn't..” he completed sadly making my chin tremble.

I understood where he was coming from. Joon didn't think he could tell me, he couldn't trust me enough, that's what I thought but turns out he just wanted to protect me. Makes no sense though. But now I feel like I'm in Joon's shoes. Kookie thinks he wasn't reliable enough to know but that's not true I just didn't think that Namjoon and I were in a good place at that time, like good enough to let people know. He was already pulling away, if I pushed him head first into telling the members he'd panick and that'd be the end.

“Kookie, baby- that's not true. I do trust you and believe me when I say that when Joon and I were having problems, I wanted nothing more but to rely on you guys but a part of me still thinks of you as that young boy, uri golden maknae who came to live with us and even if you've grown and matured now I still look at you like the baby you're. It's difficult to remind myself that I can talk to you about stuff, my mind always goes like oh no Jungkook is too young to hear about all this. Besides the reason I didn't tell you guys about my relationship with Joon was because we were not in the best place at that time. Joon wanted to keep it a secret, he became pretty weird in the middle, the reason for which I know now.”

“S-so you didn't think I wasn't important enough to know?”

“W-what?! Is that what you've been thinking all this while? Oh goodness, Kookie, no..” I pulled him into a hug and he melted in my arms.

“That is such rubbish. You guys, all of you are so important to me and to Joonie, you all are my family in and out. How could you think such a thing? Besides wouldn't I feel better if you all knew? We wouldn't have to hide in the condo to have a moment to ourselves. Why would I not tell you?”

“I don't know hyung, I've always had you been there for me when I needed you and as clingy and cliché this sounds, I wanted to be there for you too. But just because I've considered you to be an important part of my life doesn't mean you have to too. I know my kind sometimes creates all this rubbish that makes me miserable but it's only when I...”

He didn't have to complete the sentence. I knew what he wanted to say, ‘it's only when I feel insecure..’

I hugged him tight in hopes to make it vanish and he hugged me tighter.

After a few minutes he said, “Hyung?”


“You never needed to hide in the condo, you guys were loud enough at night.”

My face turned into a bright burning red. Oh god, my son had heard me do the dirty and oh god he's too young to be hearing or knowing what that means.

I'll kill Namjoon tomorrow, with my spatula of course, he's tainted my child.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Yoongi came to steal an egg roll and I slapped his hand away, but he stole it anyway with a roll of his eyes.

I glared at him and he gulped backing away, he may be the cool ajhussi with the swag, but don't dare cross me when it comes to food.

“Hyung, may I have an egg roll?” my ever polite child, Jiminie asks and I hand him the whole plate.

He grins and runs off to a wrestling Tae and Namjoon.

With Kookie still attached to my hip I finish off the remaining food and make my way to flattened table- stool in the centre of the couch sets, when Namjoon gets pushed to the ground.

“Appa has become old.” Tae says flexing his muscles and Joon scoffs before having him in a headlock.

“Now who is the old one?” he asks mockingly and Hoseok whacks them over their head as I hand him is coffee.

Yoongi wraps his arms around Hoseok and I watch them melt in his arms.

I start feeding cookie some fruit and he enjoys the pampering.

I look around at the idiots I call my family. All snuggled up into one another, laughing talking and free. No one is hiding anymore. Everything is out in the open that is until, I see Jimin looking at Jungkook the way Yoongi looks at Hoseok when he thinks no one is watching.. my my this just got a bit more interesting.

Oh Seokjin, you have no idea.

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Until next time, xoxo.



Random Namjin : knj x ksjDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora