Chapter 10

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    Angelpaw's muscles screamed as she stretched for the first time in days. She had been confined to her nest, she wasn't aloud to get her own prey or go for a fly and she missed it.
    "Are you sure you feel ready? We can wait if you aren't." Silverstone's concerned mew rang in Angelpaw's ear making her head hurt.
    "No." Angelpaw hissed. "I'm ready to fly." She hated to look Silverstone was giving her. It made her feel like a useless kit. I'm fine! She tried to not show her anger, making her fur flat.
    "Really? You're shaking." Silverstone mewed. Angelpaw noticed now that Silverstone was right. Her shoulder hurt and her legs threatened to buckle under her but she stood proudly.
    "Really." Angelpaw padded out of her nest and walked past Silverstone. "Come on. I need to fly."
    "The cloud path is set up. Please take it easy the first time." Silverstone hesitated at the edge of the cloud with Angelpaw beside her. It's not my first time flying! I can do it. Angelpaw jumped with outstretched paws. She landed roughly on the first cloud about 4 foxtails away. She steadied herself and took off again. She stopped at the last cloud and let her legs buckle. She lay on the cloud for a little as Silverstone caught up.
    "Angelpaw! Maybe it was too much. You should have waited longer. Do you hurt? Where does it hurt? Are you listening to me?" Silverstone started ranting but Angelpaw's gaze had traveled past her. She spotted Sunpaw sitting in the branch of a tree watching them. Angelpaw smiled when she made eye contact with Sunpaw.
    "I'm fine Silverstone. Honestly it feels great to stretch a little. Staying in camp was incredibly boring. I'm going to stay out for a while. You can go back to camp." Silverstone looked like she was about to argue but Angelpaw cut her off. "I'll be back by sun high."
    "Please be careful." Silverstone mewed accepting defeat. She turned and flew back towards camp leaving Angelpaw to stand up on her own. Angelpaw jumped and flew towards the tree she had seen Sunpaw in. She landed on the branch and sniffed around.
    "Sunpaw?" She hissed. She heard claws scrabbling up the trunk and backed up in case it wasn't Sunpaw. She sighed in relief when Sunpaw's fur came into view.
    "Great StarClan Angelpaw. What are you doing? This is RiverClan territory. What if a patrol saw you?" Sunpaw growled when she was finally up the tree again. Angelpaw flinched at Sunpaw's tone.
    "Sorry. I just saw you and wanted to say hi.." Angelpaw mumbled. Angelpaw saw Sunpaw become less tense and nod.
    "It's great to see you're out flying again. I was beginning to miss it." Sunpaw mewed.
    "Miss it?" Angelpaw tilted her head confused. Sunpaw looked embarrassed for a moment.
    "Yeah. I come out here to watch you fly on the cloud course often. You're an amazing flyer." Sunpaw admitted. Angelpaw felt her face heat up.
    "Thank you."
    "Anyway I should get going. I have to hunt before returning to camp." Sunpaw said looking down. "The fish should be out enjoying this nice weather!"
    "That makes sense." Angelpaw said, nodding even though she had no idea about what fish do.
    "Say hi to Rainpaw for me, would you?" Sunpaw mewed before scrambling down the tree. Angelpaw nodded as she left then jumped off the tree back towards the camp. She decided she might as well hunt while she is out. She found a cloud and lay in wait on it. She eyed the sky looking for a sign of a bird any where. Above WindClan territory she spotted a hawk and took off towards it. Hiding in clouds she made her way to WindClan. Now settled in a cloud not far above the circling hawk she noticed what the hawk was circling. A small cat Angelpaw recognized as Shiverpaw was hissing at the hawk from the ground. The hawk started to dive towards Shiverpaw giving Angelpaw the proper distraction she needed. She leaped off her cloud and landed between the shoulder blades of the birds. She ripped at it's wing and it let out a loud screech. Angelpaw silenced it by biting its neck, killing it. She landed delicately on another cloud dangling the hawk in her jaws. The scent made her stomach growl. Before saying anything to Shiverpaw she took off back towards camp. The first person she saw was Rainpaw. She quickly passed Sunpaw's hi and set the hawk down and went to her nest to sleep.
    The next morning she woke to a gentle paw on her side. She opened her eyes to see Redstone waking her up with Pineheart behind him.
    "Sorry to disturb you Angelpaw but have you seen Rainpaw? He's supposed to go on the dawn patrol with us." Redstone asked looking around the apprentice hole.
    "Not since yesterday no. I'll go on the patrol for him if you want." Angelpaw mewed sitting up. Her shoulder felt stiff but better than yesterday. She licked her fur waiting for his response.
    "You shouldn't have to fill in for him. He should be here." Redstone sounded disappointed but nodded. "Thank you for offering. Come. Pineheart is waiting." Angelpaw follows Redstone and Pineheart flinching a little each step.
    "So which territory are we checking?" She asked looking expectantly at Redstone. Pineheart answered for him.
    "ThunderClan. Sugarheart and Applefur are doing RiverClan, Hawktear, Sweatheart, and Moonpaw got ShadowClan, and Cloudstar and Hiddenflame are doing WindClan." Pineheart pointed to his tail to where the orange tabby was waiting for Cloudstar to stop talking to Sunstream. Angelpaw assumed the others had already left.
    "Wait that would have left me and Silverstone alone at camp." Angelpaw mewed.
    "Well.. Silverstone thinks you should still be resting. She asked Cloudstar to keep you off patrols so let us hurry up and get you home before Silverstone realizes you've been out." Redstone mewed with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Angelpaw nodded excited about the deception rather than the anger she knew she should be feeling about Silverstone trying to keep her in camp. The three jumped and went straight towards the ThunderClan border. Angelpaw gazed down over the territories. In the center the meeting hollow was located. The river that runs through RiverClan and ShadowClan falls into a pool near the hollow. WindClan on the other side of the RiverClan border was a beautiful moor of sand and grass. ThunderClan's forest grew next to WindClan bordering ShadowClan as well, whose pines will forever remind Angelpaw of the fox. It was a sight that amazed Angelpaw every time she gazed down. Everything was quiet at the ThunderClan border. "Angelpaw. I was going to test Rainpaw but he isn't here. Can I test you?" Redstone mewed after a while.
    "Go ahead." Angelpaw mewed.
    "Why do we patrol the other clan's territory?"
    "To get a bird's eye view of danger. It's easier to spot from up here." She stated, proud of her answer.
    "Good. Tell me what you can see from here." Redstone landed on a cloud and Angelpaw settled down beside him.
    "The ThunderClan camp is quiet. Only the nursery seems awake." Angelpaw observed. She could see the camp clearing, no cats were out. The nursery was rustling indicating someone moving in there. As she watched a kit crawled out into the clearing. It mewed and Angelpaw noticed rustling in the apprentice den. "A kit just woke up an apprentice."
    "Good. What about outside the camp?"
    "The dawn patrol is close to the WindClan border."
    "Who is in the patrol?" Pineheart asked.
    "Aaa..." Angelpaw tries to make out the cats from through the trees. "Windtail... Treepaw... and Stripetail. I think."
    "I think she's right." Pineheart mewed.
    "Good job Angelpaw. Now what type of birds can be found in ThunderClan territory?"
    "Sparrows, robins, and woodpeckers." Angelpaw mewed. Redstone nodded to his brother, Pineheart, and then stood up.
    "Thank you Angelpaw. I just wish I could test my own apprentice. Am I a bad mentor for not knowing where he is?" Redstone mewed sadly. Angelpaw frowned remembering the Redstone had only been a warrior for a moon before getting Rainpaw as his apprentice. He was still young and inexperienced. Angelpaw leaned forward and licked his ear.
    "You're doing fine. He probably just forgot he had dawn patrol and went hunting." Angelpaw mewed.
    "We should get back to camp. ThunderClan is in no danger but we're in danger of getting our ears bitten by Silverstone if she catches us with you out of camp." Pineheart chuckled. Angelpaw and Redstone nodded in unison and joined Pineheart in laughing. "Let's go."

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